The difference between French and German nationalism

Take the difference between French and German nationalism. How would each of the theories of nationalism’s emergence explain the histories of these cases? What might each theory say about why French nationalism is often considered “civic” and German nationalism “ethnic”? (50 Points)

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The difference between French and German nationalism

Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state. To the French, a nation is born when people of varied backgrounds accord themselves around a set of values and cultural references, among them the idea of “living together in harmony.” France came to be as the French nation, and not just the Kingdom of France, through several centuries of centralization of power and increasing control from the monarchy, before the Republic took over. To the German school, a nation is an organic entity, born out of the realization of several groups sharing the same culture that their destiny is bound and that they must band together, less they may disappear.

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