In your own words, what is the difference between what Freire calls True Generosity and False Generosity?
Describe a current/historical example of a program/intervention that is/was “True Generosity”?
Describe a current/historical example of a program/intervention that is/was “False Generosity”?
Was the majority of your K-12 education closer to Freire’s “banking” or “problem posing” model of education? (provide brief evidence for your answer)
Describe any class/course/learning experience (either K-12, undergraduate, or other) that you experienced as liberating or consciousness raising?
What made it that way?
B. Questions on “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and applying Freire:
In the April 12 letter to MLK the eight Alabama Clergymen describe their suggestions to Dr. King as “a new constructive and realistic approach to racial problems.” Would you classify their recommendations as “true” or “false” generosity?
Justify your response to question 1.
Dr. King says “it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily.” Do you agree or disagree with Dr. King’s statement?
If Dr. King is correct, what are the implications for using consensus vs. conflict organizing strategies in challenging privileged groups?
What is your biggest take-way from Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
The difference between what Freire calls True Generosity and False Generosity
In his incredibly popular 1968 book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Brazilian educator and author Paulo Freire discusses the concept of “false generosity.” Freire writes: the oppressors, who oppress, exploit, and rape by virtue of their power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves. Only power that springs from the weakness of the oppressed will be sufficiently strong to free both. False generosity is charity which targets the symptoms of an unjust society. False generosity is dehumanizing. True generosity attempts to create the conditions for liberation. True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the “rejects of life,” to extend their trembling hands.
aissez Faire system and the economic policies that stem out of the system are undoubtedly, a produce of the West i.e Global North. The likes of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill propagated it, but that was two centuries ago. Laissez faire is a very prominent feature in the Global North in this day. In this very decade, laissez faire brought us to see a crippling of the international economy in the form of the 2008 Sub-mortgage crisis.
My argument for this essay is that the statement is true; laissez faire policies are unlikely to generate sustained industrial growth in Late Developing countries. There will be growth, undoubtedly, but ‘sustained growth’ would be elusive with laissez faire these countries.
The ‘stage of development’ is the bigger precursor, which determined the countries’ industrial development policy. Historically, 18th century Britain was the one of the forerunners of free market capitalism- it had the advantage of being highly industrialized with the industrial revolution springing in the country itself. Hence, the development finance for the country came in the form of stock markets and retained earnings of large ventures. On the contrary, Russia which was a relatively much more backward economy had to rely on a central state to drive their industrialization.
Introduction of Laissez Faire into an underdeveloped society, which is not ready for such a huge change from the traditional ways, can be catastrophic. The Indian famine of 1876-78 is one such example. Where erstwhile India had historically learnt how to insulate themselves from a famine, in the form of a surplus stock kept aside which could be rationed out. The British however, introduced ‘free-market’ policies during this famine. In theory, the free-market policy applied was supposed to lead food to flow to these areas. But, on the contrary Madras saw that the grain prices r