The differences in Walmart performance



Can location characteristics (e.g., customer preferences, cost structure, local competition, etc.) explain the differences in Walmart performance?

Sample Solution

hackers yearn to learn how to penetrate firewalls and acquire information. Consequently, they end up gaining enough knowledge and skill. Eventually, the newcomers entering into the criminal world of doxing.

Acceptable Doxing

Doxing may have extremely damaging effects on individuals or groups of people. Nevertheless, some situations make it a legitimate tactic. First, payback can be a fair play. Doxing people who gain pleasure from doxing innocent individuals if acceptable and encouraged. The legal doctrine of estoppel takes care of all claims made by a victimizer-turned-victim . Similarly, it should be standard knowledge that what goes around always comes around and that no one should complain of the taste of their own medicine. With the rules of engagement set, the number of innocent persons who go through doxing should reduce due to mutually assured destruction. Alternatively, the impact of the effects of doxing would decrease due to information flooding.

Second, sometimes doxing can be used to reveal and unmask criminal groups hiding in society. Paedophiles, financial criminals, terrorists, and other individuals publicly engaging in activities that expose the public to harm should not be left to walk scot free. It is advisable to gather an informative dossier that can lead to their arrest and prosecution. Most of these criminals may be tempted to brag on social media about their achievements, and it is from such posts that one may piece together the identities of the real masterminds. This doxing is similar to unmasking an assailant and forwarding them to the police. This information should be submitted to law enforcers who are then expected to pursue a criminal investigation to add on to the information delivered to them from the efforts of community policing . Occasionally, the law enforcers may be unwilling to react to the situation due to various reasons. Consequently, the doxer may decide to use the sub-optimal option of going public hoping for extrajudicial punishment which is nobler than letting the innocent suffer in ways that one would have helped to stop.

Third, doxing can be used to effectively put in check corrupt and power-drunk politicians, leaders and government officials. These individuals abuse their powers and use public offices for their gains and those of their families. Doxers may be forced to collect damaging personal information of these thieves of public property and reveal it to relevant watchdogs or even to the citizens . The end result would be resignation, firing of being voted out of office. Alternatively, it may challenge them to redeem their actions and now serve their subjects diligently with the fear that further exploitation and abuse of office and

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