The different between compiler and interpreter

Q1 : what do we mean by variable ?

Q2 : what is the different between compiler and interpreter ?

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The difference between compiler and interpreter

compilers and interpreters are programs that help convert the high level language (Source Code) into machine codes to be understood by the computers. Computer programs are usually written on high level languages. A high level language is one that can be understood by humans. There are some key differences between compiler and interpreter. Compiler transforms code written in a high-level programming language into the machine code, at once, before program runs, whereas an interpreter coverts each high-level program statement, one by one, into the machine code, during program run. Also, compiler is based on translation linking-loading model, whereas interpreter is based on interpretation method.

DISC is a theory from William Moulton Marston, a Psychologist; it is a theory that focuses on traits. People who are grouped into ‘D’ are outgoing and task-oriented, they show dominant and direct behaviors, people who are grouped into ‘I’ are outgoing, people-oriented, and they show inspiring and interactive traits. For people grouped into ‘S’, they are reserved, people-oriented, and supportive with steady behavior. Lastly, people who are put in ‘C’ category are reserved, task-oriented, and cautious. However, every person shows all or some of these behaviors depending on the situation.
Having talked briefly about these temperament theories, as stated earlier, this study focuses on Galen’s theory on temperament. Of course, the theory in itself is not totally complete as temperament is quite a complex area of research, but nonetheless, most researchers still refer to his terms and features, even if with tweaks and adjustments, and hold his theory in high regard.
Similarly, there is a need to understand the reason behind the variation in the performance of L2 learners (that is, why some perform very well and some poorly) even though they are exposed to the same teaching technique. Even though a lot has been said about individual differences, what should be investigated is the way we perceive and understand the world and also the way we react to the world ‘ temperament.
Since the way a second language is acquired is quite different from how the native or mother tongue is acquired, a lot of the individual comes into play, especially as most learners are exposed to a second language at a later growth stage. Turks are hardly exposed to English language unless they intentionally expose themselves to it, this triggered the academic curiosity to know how their temperament affects their language acquisition in relation to skills in English.
Turkish is mainly spoken in Turkey and its surroundings; it has like 70 million native speakers worldwide. It borrows from Persian, French and Arabic, even though there was a major change in the language in 1928, the Arabic alphabet was changed to Latin which is mostly used in English, about this time, Turkish alphabet equivalents replaced the Arabic and Persian ones. In Turkish, the endings are added to the root one by one to a word to get the required meaning it is known to be an agglutinative language. Unlike English alphabets, Turkish has 29 letters, it does not have Q, W, and X, but it includes diacritic such as C. There are eight vowels and 21 consonants.

Turkish students do not really have a problem with the writing system of English. However, they have a problem in oral phonology of English; this is as a result of Turkish vowel harmony which English vowel lacks. The most common difficulties can be seen in the inclusion of an extra vowel in words like sport (>siport) or the omission in words like support (> sport) and also mistake in minimal pairs such as law/low, man/men or kip/keep. Also just like others who are not native English speakers, Turkish student have problem with words like then, think, clothes and so on. There

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