The Dream and The Politics of Identity


What is Webers conceptual framework for understanding race, class, gender, and sexuality. Please provide at an example of each point from the reading and the real world.

Sample Solution

The Dream and The Politics of Identity

Since the mid-1980s, scholarship and college courses that address multiple dimensions of inequality under the rubric of race, class, gender, and sexuality studies have grown rapidly. Most courses now employ a set of readings, many of which are drawn from a growing number of anthologies. A strength of this approach is its presentation of the diversity of human experiences and the multiplicity of critical perspectives. A weakness is its failure to convey the commonalities in race, class, gender, and sexuality analyses of social reality. Weber argues that these social systems are historically and geographically contextual power relationships that are simultaneously expressed and experienced at both the macro level of social institutions and the micro level of individual lives and small groups.


At the point when an association faces a significant calamity that innately decimates its notoriety and places its future in peril, its administration face an incredible duty to manage the center of the maltreatment morally, and all the more critically, take its partners through a positive change. At exactly that point, would it be able to endure this tempest.

The Bhopal substance fiasco 1984, in the city of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh state, India is viewed as one of the most noticeably terrible mechanical mishaps ever. How the Union Carbide Corporation managed it, be that as it may, is significantly increasingly unfortunate. As per (Ice, 1991) the administration’s bafflement with concentrating more on money related and logical setting, and less on compassionate perspective, in the long run lead it to its destruction.

The center of this paper is to feature how the board can viably lead emergency change circumstances; pulling together vitality to keep up sound representative relations, and morally manage the diffused open as a rule. This paper will likewise exhibit a portion of the significant administration rehearses that ought to be mulled over while managing circumstances like these – taking Bhopal debacle for instance. For the very reason, I will step into the top administration shoes so I might have the option to demonstrate my perspective, as for this situation, the issue is by all accounts dwelling inside that level. We will likewise grasp if there is a “discerning, precise and complete way” through which an association may plan for emergencies in middle of a change event (Mitroff, Crisis Management: Cutting Through the Confusion, 1988).

On the dates 2-3 December, 1984, around 45 tons of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) had spilled in the plant claimed by the Indian backup of Union carbide. The assessed loss of life was around 20,000, with the greater part a million experiencing respiratory issues, loss of sight and different infections that were an impact of the toxic vapor of the gas (Brittanica, 2015).

As expressed by (Eckerman, 2005), Union Carbide Corporation and the Indian Government, both assumed jobs of importance in the “greatness of the debacle”. At first, Union Carbide, with Government of India’s assistance, sent fortifications and performed methodology of fiasco control to support the people in question. Gradually, notwithstanding, this was pushed out of spotlight. Be that as it may, when the Indian Government chose to speak to the casualties of the catastrophe, Union Carbide fought back by moving the whole fault on one ‘displeased specialist’ disrupting the procedure, along these lines playing the person in question (Ice, 1991; Weick, 2010).

At the point when the purposes for the setback began to become visible, it was seen that the workforce at Union Carbide’s Indian office was intensely under-prepared, and over worked. (Chohan, 2005), a representative at the plant at the hour of the occasion shares the information on the declining pace of prepared workers throughout the years.

(Chohan, 2005)

It is likewise to be viewed as that a specific organization of this nature, as directed by its set of principles, needs to institutionalize its wellbeing strategies and guarantee its legitimate guideline any place on the planet it works. During the path in the Indian court, when charged for not following the institutionalized techniques in India as in United States, Union Carbide reacted by saying that the methodology followed in India were as well as could be expected offer, underlining that “India and US plants were extraordinary”, and that Indian plant was the obligation of the that backup (Ice, 1991). Warren Anderson’s cases (Union Carbide’s CEO at the time) that this episode would never happen at the US plant, were abrogated by the break at the Institute plant in August 1985 (Diamond, 1985c). This conclusively demonstrated Union’s cases for wellbeing measures were false.

Security measures at Bhopal Plant (Chohan, 2005).

Up until now, Union Carbide’s endeavors were that of separation, and disavowal. Its endeavors to diminish the harm and spare its notoriety in the market depended on monetary and logical controlling. In any case, as previously mentioned, Union Carbide overlooked the human part of the circumstance. I will clarify this later in the writing audit. Anyway to be exact, the organization overlooked both the worries of its workers, and overall population. Where Johnson and Johnson, on account of Tylenol, propelled their publicizing effort to recover trust of open, Union Carbide neglected to do as such (Ice, 1991).

To be progressively reasonable in correlation, Bhopal occurrence has frequently been contrasted and a later one; BP Oil Spill. Where BP agreed to $18.7 billion, Union Carbide paid a simple $470 million, with the waste site never being cleaned till this day (Siroshi, 2015).

As the parts of pseudo-transformative administration, of pioneers trying to pull a fast one (Satre, 1992) above recommend, social expenses of abusing power frequently lead to death of the organization. Association Carbide, in spite of its numerous endeavors to recoup from obligations, and being taken over ordinarily in the previous years, was at long last procured by Dow Chemicals. My outlook, concerning how this could have been forestalled will be examined as we jump into hypothetical acts of initiative change – would be sparing key purposes of associations confronting change of a basic point of view.

Writing Review

Authoritative Change – Theories, Leadership Styles, and Behaviors:

“The present fixation on change centers around that which is drastically forced from top”, (Mintzberg and Huy, 2003). Anyway obvious this is in the cutting edge the board setting, (Mintzberg and Huy, 2003) additionally bring up that this procedure can be made progressively powerful if an increasingly efficient change (flat progression of progress) is followed in the midst of emergency, as opposed to sensational change (sliding from top administration).

Something comparable occurred on account of Union Carbide; in endeavors to restore the organization to its previous wonder, more harm pursued. Workers were confused and open desired opposition (Mezais and Glynn, 1993).

A mix of authority styles may help clear a pathway for two-route correspondence among the initiative and the followership (moral and transformative for this situation). Right off the bat, (Brown, Trevino, and Harrison, 2005) propose that moral authority is the “normatively proper lead through close to home activities and relational connections, and advancement of such direct to supporters through two-way correspondence, fortification, and basic leadership.”

At the point when looked with so much affliction, as a top administration pioneer, it ought to be my need to assume full liability of the activities that lead to the downfall of a few guiltless lives. In the short run, this thought may appear to be unfriendly, as it did to the pioneers of Union Carbide around then. Yet, eventually, it would be advantageous. As with Merck, in spite of its obliviousness at an early stage to examine the symptoms of the medication, when it reviewed Vioxx from the market; was a demonstration of corporate social obligation (Cavusgil, 2007). In spite of its disappointments, Merck still thrives today for the sake of its CSR.

As referenced above, Union Carbide, went about as a pseudo-transformative, dictatorial pioneer, paying attention to the necessities to tip top, while overlooking poor people.

Also, from numerous points of view, transformational initiative pursues a similar pathway as two-way process; that both pioneer and devotee can be reclassified all in all through the difference in their “qualities, thought processes, and frames of mind” and have a positive result through the change procedure (Burns, 1978). Additionally, (Eisenbach, Watson, and Pillai, 1999) recommend that pioneers who are transformational in their style, will in general reserve scholarly incitement (inspiration; enthusiastic insight) and scholarly incitement (giving pathways to break new ground).

Featured in the presentation, what Union Carbide needed were the two way correspondence process. Thusly, the message conveyed by the top administration was being confounded. While totalitarian style was being pursued, which again not reasonable in the given circumstance, what truly in need was allure. As a pioneer, tt would be my obligation to speak to the group so that as (Conger and Kanungo, 1987) recommend, the devotees won’t just ascribe themselves to the pioneer, yet will likewise change their own conduct as I, the chief might want them to be.

The transformational vitality needs to take establishes in the top administration so as to stream down to the lower levels. The top administrators need to understand the pith of the unfavorable impacts the separation and refusal that the organization followed over the long haul. This may even mean a decentralized/compliment structure so the thoughts are flown without hardly lifting a finger.

As it occurs, choosing for change the board comprises of a group chipping away at an answer for the said issue (Mitroff, Pearson, Clair, and Misra, 1997). (Pearson and Clair) have fought that emergency the executives works best when reactions and arrangements are fabricated together with group support, as opposed to one individual’s basic leadership. Definitely, as a top level supervisor, I may need to speak with my companions and board individuals, and get them out of agreeable vitality by causing them to understand the need to kill the mythical serpent for example forestall an approaching risk.

At the point when miscommunication happens, particularly in an emergency circumstance, destructive vitality regularly blooms. In this situation, it is top administration versus the workers. The representatives, in the condition of surrendered dormancy (hierarchical burnout), were starting to scrutinize the security of their lives while carrying out the responsibility. As referenced before, moral methodology of the top administration would have beneficial outcome on the low level (Mayer, Kuenzi, Greenbaum, Bardes, and Salvador, 2009). While being totally genuine may appear to be an excessively high of a hazard, it will likewise make the sentiment of trust. The organization will confront focused condition remotely for a long time to come, yet once the inward vitality has been pulled together as one (for both top level and low



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