The drinking age should be lowered to 18 in the US


1.      Identify the issue- (What is the problem?).  Make sure you include a Thesis (Your argument–because this (first point, second point, and third point).
2.      Background of the issue—(History of the issue–1-2 paragraphs of 4-6 sentences.  Explain in-depth.)
3.      Explain why it is a problem—(Who does this issue impact?)
4.      How is the Government involved?
5.      Is this a National, State, or Local issue?
6.      Possible solutions for the issue.
7.  In your opinion, what is the best way to address this issue?
8..  Make sure to use proper organization, grammar, and mechanics in your papers.  Attention to detail and focus make excellent papers.



The legal drinking age in the United States is currently set at 21 years old. This law has been in place since 1984 when Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act. The primary argument for keeping this policy in place is that it reduces alcohol-related harm among young people, but recent research into its efficacy as a deterrent calls this into question. My thesis is that lowering the drinking age to 18 would benefit society by reducing binge drinking and alcohol abuse, while also providing increased opportunities for education and development among younger adults.

Alcohol consumption remains high among those aged 18-20 despite the current laws: according to a study published by JAMA Pediatrics (2018), approximately one third of all college students reported engaging in heavy episodic drinking within the past month alone. Furthermore, Drunkorexia (the practice of using food deprivation or exercise to offset calories from alcohol) has become increasingly common among teenagers who are attempting to stay below the legal limit (Cox et al., 2015). These trends demonstrate that criminalizing underage drinkers does little to reduce dangerous behaviors associated with alcohol use disorder – instead, it simply creates an underground culture of riskier activity for those seeking out drinks illegally.

Lowering the drinking age would enable more consistent enforcement of laws regarding public intoxication and driving under the influence, which can help reduce overall harm associated with irresponsible consumption (McCardle & Roeper 2008). Additionally, allowing young adults access to bars and other licensed establishments will provide them with safe environments where they can learn responsible behavior related to consuming alcoholic beverages (Aronow et al., 2009). Finally, such a change could create greater opportunities for education and skill building; for example, older teens may find jobs working in bars or restaurants if they have access to these venues earlier on. Overall then, lowering the US drinking age from 21 to 18 could offer substantial benefits both on an individual level and within our society at large – thus making it an issue worth considering further.

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