The effect of leadership qualities and success impact on gender


Investigate the effect of leadership qualities and success impact on gender then reflect them on this list types of leadership, difference or relationship on gender, growth of SME leadership with references”

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are more financially variable, time-productive and simple to assess objectively. Disregarding these advantages, questionnaires have numerous insufficiencies.
In addition, participants generally complete questionnaires without assistance from the researcher, making it difficult to know whether the participant understands the questions being asked, social desirability may occur here, giving false responses. When carrying out the interview however, the participant can ask for clarification if they don’t understand a question.
All things considered, researchers regularly use interviews over questionnaires, as close interactive meetings can give more detailed data about the participants answers, allowing researchers to collect non-verbal data.

Conduct and Participants
Choice of setting for the structured interview was in a controlled environment. Researcher and chosen participant were present only. Each researcher asked one participant that was known to them. There were no exclusion criteria present.
With the purpose of writing up transcript word for word, considerations to ethics was evident in the recording of the interview process, as permission was asked for and given prior.
The researchers ensured participants were fully aware of the purpose of the research and understood their rights. It was designed for these to be read out at the start of the interviews, explaining that participation is voluntary and that they are free to refuse to answer any questions and may withdr

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