The element hydrogen





The element hydrogen has the highest specific heat of all elements. Hydrogen’s specific heat capacity is 14300J/(kg K). If the temperature of a .34kg sample of hydrogen is to be raised by 25 K, how much heat will have to be transferred to the hydrogen

Sample Solution

The element Hydrogen

Hydrogen was first recognized as a distinct element by Henry Cavendish in 1766. Composed of a single proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. It is the raw fuel that most stars burn to produce energy. One of the major effects of heat transfer is temperature change. Heating increases the temperature while cooling decreases it. Experiments show that the transferred heat depends on three factors; the change in temperature, the mass of the system, and the substance and phase of the substance. The quantitative relationship between heat transfer and temperature change contains all three factors: Heat transfer=mass of the substance, specific heat, and the change in temperature.



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Part 2


In this examination entitled “Content Analysis on the Presentation of Gender Issues in the Top 11 Cinemalaya Gender Films”, the Researchers arranged various written works which looks to give clearness to the investigation’s anxiety which is the Presentation of Gender Issues in 11 Cinemalaya Gender Films.

Sexual orientation

In view of an investigation led by The Gender Spectrum, an association that advances sexual orientation acknowledgment, frequently individuals trade or dishonestly utilize the expressions “sex” and “sex”. This idea has gotten so aggregate, predominantly in western social orders, that it is once in a while addressed. We are brought into this world, appointed with either male or female conceptive organs, at that point conveyed into the world. For some individuals, this is the reason for errors and strife. Anyway natural sex and sex are two unique things; sex isn’t intrinsically nor exclusively partnered to one’s physical life structures

Sexual orientation is the unpredictable interrelationship between a person’s (sex science), one’s inward feeling of may either be male, female, both or neither one of the genders (recognize) just as one’s outward introduction and practices (sex articulation) identified with observation, including their sex job. As a result of these three measurements crossing lies one’s bona fide feeling of sex, both dependent on singular encounters of claim sexual orientation and of various observations.

Moreover, as characterized by the Gender Booklet, Gender is the means by which an individual believes himself to be distinguished as. These could either be in a manly or ladylike way, impartial, gender ambiguous, uncertain, or in any blend. There are in excess of 20 sorts of sexual orientation mixes. Bostian (2011) Retrieved from:


In the general public, media assumes a persuasive job. From recent developments, interpretational systems, keeps the mass associated with different issues and subjects, replicates overwhelming society and society, and engages. In that capacity, our special media affects the introduction of sexual orientation issues both for people. The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change [PDF].

Social standards are enormously affected by media frames especially with respect to sex, class, race, nationality, and so on. Shaping the measures of which is manly and ladylike. Is utilized to impart general standards to the general population. Socio phonetic and sexual orientation (2014) Retrieved from:

For example, in 2008, four Colt 45 ads wherein men in various situations are arranged to be “unmanly” or considered as not “man enough”. In this circumstance, men are not qualified for input on ladies’ style, to demonstrate friendship, to stress if his drinking glass is spotless, or to wipe oil from his face.

Commonplace Filipino men are seen on how they act and named “unmanly” if their activities don’t show standards that are usually acknowledged by many even how typical it is for a person. Male Roles, Masculinities and Violence [PDF].

An examination led by the individuals of Restless Development in the country regions of Eastern Cape, found that there is incredible weight on men to demonstrate their masculinity. Men are ordinarily described with predominance and power.

Men are not qualified for be feeble, the facts demonstrate that ladies are all the more frequently influenced by sex based savagery in any case, there is a need to welcome that men can likewise be manhandled, inwardly, explicitly and physically. By and large, it is hard for men to voice out maltreatment of any structure, a man ought to be extreme and safe, they are disallowed to be enthusiastic or else it will show absence of masculinity. Attempting to take care of business: Young People’s Perspective of Gender Inequality and Gender-Based Violence. Clarfelt (2015) Retrieved from: men wear t-cry-how-sexual-based-savagery influences youngsters in-south-africa

Notwithstanding the adjustments in sex jobs that are depicted in media, many are as yet up to speed with the ethics of the Spanish strict teaching: that men ought to be overwhelming ladies.

Another sex issue realized by media is “Body Shaming”, wherein media encompasses us to what ought to be viewed as great and what isn’t. This rejects nobody, the two people are reprimanded on how they should look or their physical traits. Men ought to be solid while ladies ought to achieve 60 minutes glass formed body.

Moreover, researchers, Frederickson and Roberts begat that the propensity for culture body perception through typifying sexuality diminishes a person’s personal satisfaction. A case of the Relationship of Female Sexual Dysfunction [PDF]

Sexual orientation ISSUES

As indicated by Springer, sexual orientation issues is interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope concentrating on sex and sex value. Recovered from

Staying at the seventh situation of the Gender Equal Countries stood the Philippines, among 144 nations, evaluated by the Global Gender Gap Index 2016.

In any case, there are still issues of disparity that worries sexual orientation exceptionally in its portrayal in media. Here are the issues accumulated by the specialists:

Disparities in political power (access to Decision-Making, Representation, and so forth.). All through the world, ladies are under-spoken to in most political procedures. The significance of comprehension and locating sexual orientation contrasts in control over conventional basic leadership structures, (for example, network committees, governments, and arrangement making organizations). Given the under-portrayal of ladies and the low perceivability of ladies’ viewpoints, the way that ladies more often than not have different needs, needs and interests than men is frequently not obvious. Equivalent Participation of Women and Men in Decision-Making Processes, with Particular Emphasis on Political Participation and Leadership [PDF]

Disparities inside family units. Inconsistent methodology in basic leadership and arranging potential and access to assets have been seen inside families. Empowering inquiries on both approach and research which depends on the suspicion that family units work as units where every part benefits similarly.

Contrasts in lawful status and privileges. Considering the quantity of national constitutions and global instruments that broadcast equivalent benefits for people, there are a bunch of circumstances wherein equivalent rights to individual status, land, legacy, security and business openings are denied to ladies by training or law.

Brutality against ladies. Sex separation additionally shows in sex based brutality, either by a lady’s personal accomplice (aggressive behavior at home), by a foe armed force as a weapon of endeavored ‘ethnic purging’ or in sexual abuse through, for example, human dealing.

From the London film celebration, Stacy Smith and Mark Choeiti composed on their investigation Gender Inequality in Cinematic Content? A gander at females on screen and behind the camera in top netting 2008 movies , “In the main 100 earning movies of 2008 young ladies were sexualized more frequently than men. 39.8% of ladies were wearing explicitly uncovering clothing contrasted with 6.7% of men and 30.1% of ladies were indicated halfway exposed contrasted with 10.3% of men.

This examination is anything but a shocked by any stretch of the imagination: Women are seen as sex objects. An article from National Review affirms this hypothesis by worrying it in an article entitled, Men consider ladies to be sex objects: it not sexist, its world.

Amazing and predominant, what a man ought to be, the weight on men to be monetarily steady seeing someone and families can likewise trigger savagery. Confronting the substances of joblessness and destitution, all the more frequently youngsters experience sentiments of dissatisfaction and debilitation at the idea of not having the option to give, as a youngster expressed:

Men are not Entitled to be Weak

While genuine enough that ladies generally are, the ones influenced by sex based brutality, there ought to likewise be an understanding that men are inclined to manhandle, both inwardly, explicitly and physically. Tending to Domestic Violence Against Women: An Unfinished Agenda. (2008) Retrieved from:

There are cases wherein young men are assaulted in any case, these are slandered, implying that they are unreported and detached from general society. Mishandled by their ladies accomplices, yet this isn’t acknowledged to be genuine.

Ron Mattocks from The Good Man Project (A media-organization which gathers men’s anecdotes about the extremely important occasions in men’s lives and about being a decent man in the 21st century) affirmed from his own encounters. His story entitled, When Men are the casualties of misuse, earned not just around 156 additional declarations of maltreatment on men, yet in addition analysis, from everywhere throughout the world. His story, together with different declarations, are evidence on how society see men. His story recounts how his significant other rationally manhandled him and how it demolished his public activity, his vocation, and left him prepared to end it all. Ron and his significant other would battle as often as possible, yet regardless of how legitimate his contentions were, his resentment was naturally observed as negative. He cited,” During détentes, we even kidded about how I simply expected to discover that ageless truth whereupon each effective marriage is manufactured: the spouse is never right. In any case, it was no snickering issue.”

As referenced by Psychcentral, “Men for the most part are accused for misuse on account of current sex generalizations. Ladies are seen as the more fragile, gentler sex, while men are seen as being more grounded and having common propensities toward savagery.”

Another pertinent declaration originates from Chris Good, from the Thought Catalog. Still from his very own encounters, Chris tells a critical record on how maltreatment on men are disregarded on the grounds that m


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