“The Elephant in the Village of the Blind

1. Choose a story from the Norton Introduction to Literature and read or re-read it.

Example: I liked the story “Good Country People” ; I’ll read it again.

I like” The Elephant in the Village of the Blind

2. React personally. What aspects of the story do you seem to be most affected by? You should look at more than one aspect. Example: I find when I look at how I reacted in my journal to this story, what I really liked about it was the way the plot developed. I was really surprised at the climax – when Manley took Hulga’s leg and left her stranded. It was funny yet sad at the same time

3. Determine the theme of the story. What is the main point? HINT: Try to complete this sentence: This story argues that … Example: One theme is that people are often not what they appear to be on the outside (Manley). Also, people are often not who they really think they are (Hulga, Mrs. Hopewell).

4. Connect #2 & 3: How do you see this aspect and the theme relating? Example: The theme is that people are often not as we expect them to be. The plot illustrates or supports this theme because the plot did not develop as I expected it to. At the climax, Manley shows that he is not “good country people,” and Hulga learns that she is not as smart as she thinks she is.

Now BRAINSTORM on this connection.

5. Devise a Thesis statement (one sentence): literary element(s) to be analyzed and the approach or direction of the analysis.

Example Thesis:

Sample Solution

many situations of human interaction. Individuals judgements of others’ appearances are linked to body sizes which are depended on and influenced by a complex set of social and cultural values and norms. Thin bodies are appraised as they are in line with beauty norms while overweight bodies are stigmatized. The authors analyze the relationship between body weight, race and notions of attractiveness. They hypothesize that on various dimensions of attractiveness, white girls and black girls will be ranked differently based on body weights. Data for this study was drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health with a sample consisting of 5947 white and black girls aged 12 to 18. Results show that white girls were more likely to be ranked physically attractive and described as having an attractive personality than black girls. The article concludes that overweight and obese girls are less likely to be perceived as attractive, well-groomed and having a likeable personality compared to thin girls. The stigmatization of overweight and obese girls was more prevalent among black girls; however, overweight white girls face more stigma than overweight black girls and this is due to the notion that all white girls are supposed and expected to be thin and beautiful.

Ali et al.’s article demonstrates that physical appearance determines how an individual is perceived by others and whether this individual meets the standards of beauty. White girls are automatically perceived as more beautiful, and this even goes as far as assuming they have a more likable personality. Overweight black girls face stigmatization, however this stigma is worse for white girls be

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