The Elgin Marbles



Watch this video clip:

After viewing this debate on the Elgin Marbles, write a one-paragraph response stating what YOU think their fate should be. Should they remain in the British Museum in London, or do you think they should be returned to the Greek government?

As part of your response, look up ONE ARTICLE online (provide the link) that addresses the controversy. Does it influence your opinion in any way?

Address ALL questions in your response.







Sample Solution

The Elgin Marbles

The Elgin Marbles, or the Parthenon Marbles, are a group of statues, sculptures, inscriptions and architectural elements that were once part of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Depicting scenes from Greek mythology, the temple and surrounding Acropolis were built in the fifty century BCE and are considered triumphs in Greek architecture. The legality of the statues is still highly disputed between the U.K. and Greece, with Greek officials arguing that due to the Ottoman`s occupation, the decree was not valid and the Ottomans had no authority over the Parthenon, therefore the marbles should be returned to Athens. I believe the Elgin Marbles should be returned to the Greek government. The most impassion argument for the return of the Parthenon sculptures is that the pieces represent a vital and central part of Greek cultural heritage. The Parthenon Sculptures were made in Greece by Greeks to honor the glory of Greece. They represent the cultural identity of millions of people.

unskilled labor affixed to agriculture in LDCs, the high increase in productivity means the country would be able to export primary goods and in turn gain access to foreign exchange* i.e hard currency. We will discuss the use of foreign exchange at a later stage in the essay. INDUSTRIAL POLICIES A late developing state broadly needs two steps to become a successful sustainable industrial growing economy. The first step would be bringing Industry up to par with global competitors, and the second would be introducing competition as a mechanism to increase discovery. The former obviously needs to precede the latter for effective and sustained growth. In the interest to achieve the goal of brining domestic industries up to par, the state would need to bring about successful ‘Import substitution’, which can be done through levying two major policies –Tariff Protection and Subsidies. Tariff protection is fiscally most feasible way to promote the sunrise industry in the country. High import tax on automobiles in Japan after World War II is an example of how a state policy can nozzle the imports into the country. This effort was made to give a boost to Import Substitution. Japan’s automobiles may be a popular case of high import tariffs, but long before that, Britain in the 14th century, had aggressively shielded it’s infant industry in the same method, and levied high tariffs on manufacturing products even as late as the 1820s (Chang, H.J., 2010).

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