1) What do think of the expressive results of Cage’s “prepared” piano in performances of Sonatas and Interludes? How convincing do you find the prepared-piano timbre? 2) Find an example of music you think is experimental. What techniques and sounds make it seem new? In your opinion, what are the artistic goals of the composer and/or performer(s)? We’ve discussed the functions and types of music in films: 3) Choose a favorite film and watch it a couple of times, paying attention to the use of sound/music of particular scene(s). Which types of music discussed are employed? Describe and elaborate. 4) Are there particular moments when you think sound and music are used most effectively? 1a) Among the 4 most popular genres in the Renaissance period we discussed, which genre intrigue you the most as a listener? Why? 1b) If you were a vocalist during the Renaissance period, which genre(s) (among the 4) would you like to perform? Why? 2a) Claudio Monteverdi said, “ The end of all good music is to affect the soul.” Do you agree with him? Why or why not? 2b) What is the “new style” in the Baroque period? Why was it called the “new style”? Who cultivated this style?
ousseau outlines what he believes to have been humans natural state as a prehistoric existence motivated only by the most basic of needs. Rousseau writes that what distinguishes the human from all other animals is his capacity for perfectibility and says,
It would be sad for us to be forced to concur that this distinctive faculty, which is almost boundless, is the source of all the misfortunes of man, that it is what pulls him by the power of time out of this original condition in which he would flow through quiet and innocent days, that with the passage of centuries it is what hatches his enlightenment and his errors, his vices and his virtues, and makes him at length a tyrant over himself and nature. (Rousseau 187).
In an attempt to perfect himself man left the state of nature unknowingly corrupting himself. Rousseau does not theorize that those in the state of nature were good or moral humans. They were humans without a social contract thus had no conception of morals or of good and evil. Those in the state of nature still acted in their own self-interest but were unable to do so maliciously. Rousseau portrays these people as naturally innocent in the same way he understood children to be. An infant, having no sense of right or wrong cannot act out of spite.
Rousseau maintains humility in his arguments, never claiming certainty for his theories. “Let my readers not imagine therefore that I dare to flatter myself with having seen something which appears to me so difficult to see […]it is nevertheless necessary to have some accurate notions in order to assess well our present condition” (102).He makes it clear this is a personal argument, what he personally judges to be true and hold value. He makes no claim of absolute knowledge on the subject but affirms that in order to regain any happi