The FAA’s rulemaking

The FAA’s rulemaking on small UAS in the FAA’s plan to integrate UAS into the NAS. Many long-term activities are required for full integration of present and future UAS operations, including the delivery of packages and transportation of people. Future FAA activity, through either further policy or rulemaking, will address type certification for UAS carrying occupants. link for a FAA description of FAA FAR regulations for small UAS regulations as well as a proposed requirement for a type certificate for drones. Discuss this situation




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and team performance (Roussin, 2008). In a study aimed at understanding whether LMX mediates the relationship between Research&Development team leadership and employees’ organisational commitment, Lee (2005) found that transactional leadership had no associations or negative associations with different dimensions of LMX (Lee, 2005). A subsequent study of the author established that transactional leadership is negatively influencing innovativeness due to the leader-member exchanges that it encourages (Lee, 2008).
H3: LMX partially mediates the relationship between transformational, respectively transactional, leadership on the one hand and psychological safety on the other hand.

Conceptual framework

Study Design
The research is a cross-sectional quantitative study. Data used for this study are part of an extended database; only part of the collected data is of interest for the present study. The study population is represented by employees of an academic hospital in the Netherlands. The respondents are leaders, respectively members, in teams at operational, tactical or strategical level.
The organisation and respondents
Data were collected from employees of a Dutch academic hospital having more than 1,000 beds and 10,000 employees. Respondents were either a team leader or member in a team whose leader was enrolled in the study. Data collected from leaders and team members at operational level are of interest for this study.
Data collection methods
Data were collected through a 111 item questionnaire which included both validated and non-validated scales. The questionnaire collected data on leadership styles, Leader-Member exchange, psychological safety, individual well-being, team reflexivity, team effectiveness, and respondents’ background. Of interest for this study are the questionnaire items on transactional leadership, transformational leadership, Leader-Member exchange, psychological safety, and respondents’ background. Except for respondents’ background, the answers were collected by the use of items extracted from validated s

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