The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant


1. Watch the video The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant, Links to an external site.
2. Go to the link for discussions and make a comment about the video,

Sample Solution

The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant is an insightful video about power, leadership and violence. It paints a vivid picture of what happens when those in power succumb to a dragon-tyrant mindset and use their position for selfish gain. The story of the shepherd shows that no matter how small or powerless we may feel, there is always hope for change.

The metaphor of the shepherd facing off against the powerful dragon illustrates how people can seemingly be overpowered by oppressive forces but still have the courage to stand up against them. This idea resonates particularly well during present times when many are feeling disempowered by systems such as capitalism and racism. We must all remember that collective action has great potential to create change even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The video also highlights how violence begets more violence and is often not an effective solution for solving problems between conflicting parties; instead it leads to escalation which can only be resolved through thoughtful dialogue and compromises on both sides (Frye 2020). By conveying this message, it encourages us all to take responsibility for our actions and think carefully before resorting to aggression in any situation.

In conclusion ,the fable dragon-tyrant serves important reminder strength lies within each individual’s capacity make difference . Whether faced oppressive force powerful leader overall trajectory society depends upon commitment courage from citizens who willing fight injustice uphold justice.

In 1991, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International was closed and led a substantial debate over the auditing function in banks. The official report on the closure was more inclined to a direct reporting of auditors to the senior bank management instead of the actual audit process and their reasoning was that information should be accessed by senior experts with the technical knowledge only. It highlighted the expectation gap between how the company sees itself through the lens of their knowledge and how financial auditors are recognized for their expertise in fraud detection.

Social Work

1) In 1992 a voluntary scheme was introduced as a regulation by the name – EC Environmental Management and Audit (EMA) scheme in UK. It was introduced to validate a restricted statement for support in terms of legal compliance, cost management and reworked efficient systems. The contribution of said system was imprecise on how it would empower public sector or public in general. Government however, decided to withdraw it before it was introduced due to the uncertainties which were clearly highlighting the statistics of contaminated land. The transparency of this report could have affected the government plans and therefore was removed from public scrutiny to hide the details that could have landed the government in problems.

2) In child care, the unambiguity with establishing defined standards is still under construction. Therefore, it is natural to focus on efficient cost cutting and basic parameters that are mutual to industrial standard setting instead of narrowing down to an improved rapport between outputs and inputs in terms of productivity.


England in 2001 introduced an annual ‘star rating’ system for the public health care institutions. As a result, managers in health care were prone to being fired if the results reflected poor performance when measured and were subjected to ‘naming and shaming’ for poor performance (Anonymous 2001).

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