The greatest negative impact on the environment


What items that you frequently use do you think have the greatest
negative impact on the environment? Explain how the use of the item or items
impacts the environment and the people in your community.

Sample Solution

Respect for the environment is increasingly present in households, thanks to the introduction of practices aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of our domestic activities. Waste separation is now widespread, traditional light bulbs have been replaced by low-consumption ones, shopping bags are being reused and there is greater awareness of our energy use. However, in the recesses of our homes there are still a myriad of products that can be environmentally harmful without our knowing it. While drinking tea is often associated with holistic medicine and eco-friendly lifestyles, tea bags can be harmful to the environment. Many tea drinkers are blissfully unaware that the tea bag from their daily cuppa is sealed using plastic. Even though it’s a relatively small amount, when you consider the 6bn cups of tea that are brewed up every year, we are looking at around 150 tons of polypropylene—that’s an enormous amount of accumulated plastic waste that is either contaminating food waste compost collections or simply going to landfill.

A 21- day lockdown in the wake of COVID-19 in India has left thousands of migrant laborers who work as a daily wager with no income. Suppliers in the country are going through a massive loss in their factories due to decrease in the demand of the garment which have turned into partially shut down or completely shutdown of the factories leaving workers on roads with or without the legally mandated pay. According to a research report by Penn State University’s Center for Global Workers’ Rights(CGWR), thousands of garment factories have already shutdown leaving employees unpaid. A lot of clothing suppliers said that they had to stop most or all of their operations because of order cancellations or lack of flow in the currency. The survey revealed that more than 72 percent of buyers refused to pay for raw materials like fabric and others that had already been purchased in the month of march keeping in the month about the production of garments in future month. Some of the owners have also refused to pay to the workers because of no income from backend. The government has come up with the solution to shut down the companies and stores as part of social distancing measures cutting down the demand for new clothes has simultaneously descend as shoppers stay home and stop buying anything that isn’t essential. Almost every store which deals in fashion brands are now closed temporarily due to the unforeseen circumstances, they are facing losses based on every day but can survive in the market only if the merchandise on the back hand already in production get their payments cleared for the previous orders placed by the fashion brands. Only after this process is taken forward smoothly, the laborers who are on roads now because of the Covid-19 will be able to get their un cleared wages and will be back on the track once the fear of the outbreak of pandemic gets over.

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