The helping process

Intake and Assessment Process (worth 15 points each).
What does a helper need to know about confidentiality in the assessment phase?
What evidence can you give that a good assessment is vital to the helping process?

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O Pioneers! Abstract Analysis

Alexandra Bergson is the hero of this story. Toward the start of the book, when her dad kicked the bucket, she assumed control over the homestead with the assistance of three siblings. She is the genius of ranch arranging and why their territory is so rich and growing. It could be said, she is a conventional lady of the nineteenth century, yet she is likewise fundamentally the same as current ladies. She was a pioneer in Sweden, and when she was on she went to the United States of America. As in she deals with her family and does housework, she is customary and she doesn’t work in the fields.

Willa Cather’s O Pioneer relationship and scenes! O Pioneer! (1993) Between 1883 and 1890 Began with Willa Cather in the unforgiving breeze winter in Hanover, Nebraska. Storyteller presented four fundamental characters: Very youthful Emile Bergson, his sister Alexandra, and her companion Carl Rinssehram, and a little young lady, Mary Shabata. Alexandra’s dad, John Bergson, is dead. He told his two greatest children, Oscar and Oscar, he will leave the ranch, and he said he had a network with all the characters of the O Pioneer! Creator: Willa Cather’s Novel O Pioneer! Alexandra Bergson’s view by creator Willa Cather is predictable with the job of different creators, for example, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Scarlet Letter) and Stephan Crane (Maggie: Street Girl). In every novel, all essayists have focal qualities with an unmistakable strain among themselves and their locale. In contrast to past journalists, Cather’s compassion is Alexandra. she is

Willa Cather’s O pioneer. Also, the core of Mr. Peebles of Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Willa Cather’s epic O Pioneers. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “Mr. Peebles Heart” gives an amazing and fruitful ladies’ job to the peruser. O Pioneers’ courageous woman Alexandra Bergson turned into a prosperous rancher at the fringe with Nebraska. Effective specialist – … Likewise, as the film advanced Edward’s social adequacy declined quickly. At that point Burton gradually torn Edward’s outfit until he totally removed the dress shirt’s “hooligans” scene. Another image that underpins the character remembered for the hands of Edward scissors is day off. Before Edward came to them, the individuals who lived there had never experienced day off.

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