The Idea of America




Answer the following questions. Each answer should be at least two paragraphs each that consist of 5-7 sentences. Please proofread your answer and provide specific examples from your readings to answer your questions.

1. Now that you have read the Constitution, watched the short video about the importance of the Constitution and read the article by Nikole Hanna Jones, please answer the following:

a) What are the values stated in the Declaration of Independence?

b)In what ways can you see those values working in contemporary U.S. society? In what ways can you see them failing?

2) What examples of hypocrisy in the founding of the U.S. does Hannah-Jones supply? What evidence can you see for how “some might argue that this nation was founded not as a democracy but as a slavocracy”?



The term, ‘Old style Music’ is, actually, expansive comparable to its age, because of its huge scope, its underlying foundations of establishments covering music from the medieval through the current day. Be that as it may, it would be increasingly exact to characterize the term as a type of music written in European style, during a time period from around 1750 to 1830, when melodic structures like the ensemble and sonata were authoritatively formalized.

When taken a gander at old style music from this viewpoint, we can comprehend its most extreme essentialness to us, as artists, in the cutting edge age, to have the option to construct melodic information through its very fundaments ever.

The Origin of Classical Music – The How and Why

The main indications of this class were initially, and normally, extraordinary and interesting in its authentic, uprooted setting, extending right to AD 1000, when the thought previously happened of joining a few voices to sing a tune; it was the point at which the Church, who were really the most fundamental effect and impact on the improvement of music in those occasions, saw a need to organize the single-line unaccompanied serenades, because of how they had been used for a serious long time in sacrosanct customs. Regardless, for what reason would the congregation place worry in music? What was their view on music, when all is said in done?

The appropriate response lies in the historical backdrop of the early Christian church itself; the congregation was, before, a little yet decided gathering who had confidence in the ‘mission’ of changing over Europe into Christianity. In this manner, they profoundly attempted in the assignment to impact and avoid the way of life of the Pagan culture at that point, which was altogether supported by the utilization of a “medium” that would go about as a channel to spread Christian convictions: Music.




Music, or all the more explicitly Western Art Music, filled in as an incredible mode for the Early Christians, as it was seen as one of the “most grounded and natural powers of nature which had the ability to influence human idea and mind.”(Greek reasoning) Moreover, this view was likewise absorbed with the way of life and conventions of the congregation, in which, as should be obvious, how Christian serenades were gotten from, in any case.

This gives us how they started to see music as a key idea, at the same time, whenever looked from another point of view, with no acknowledged composed framework to signify the pitch or length of a note, the scoring of music was unavoidably a disputable issue. Consequently, a Benedictine cleric named Guido d’Arezzo, whose life as a melodic researcher accommodatingly orchestrated with the Church’s necessity for melodic unification, is, when all is said in done, credited with the presentation of a fight of flat lines, by which one could precisely record the pitch of notes, subsequently starting the primary idea of composed workmanship music.

The congregation had initially expected its utilization of music to be only for strict purposes, yet in any case, the real and satisfying parts of music that professed to ‘illuminate the spirit’ couldn’t be disregarded; in the long run, different types of music, from chapel music, got recognized all in all, in which old style music was roused. Anyway amazingly, the expression “old style music” initially didn’t appear until the mid-nineteenth century, trying to perceive the time from famous specialists, for example, Ludwig van Beethoven as a brilliant, or rather traditional age.

Since we know about how old style music rose up out of the customs and history of Western Art music previously, we can perceive how old style music created in conspicuousness and multifaceted nature during the coming years. However, in particular, it would be very uncertain to allude the Classical time frame “all in all.” But why?

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Khachaturian’s life in any case, was not constantly a smooth course. In February of 1948, the Communist Party’s Central Committee, including head Andrei Zhdanov, reviled the music of Khachaturian, Shostakovich and Prokofiev –
The melody “Take the A Train” was composed by a man named Billy Strayhorn. Strayhorn played piano and composed game plans for Duke Ellington’s band. The melody in the end turned into a mark opening piece for Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. After a show in Pittsburgh in 1938, Strayhorn played a piece for Ellington. He replicated the symphony’s exhibition of “Advanced Lady,” and afterward continued to play his own rendition. Ellington in the long run welcomed Strayhorn to his home in the rich Sugar Hill neighborhood of Harlem. In the wake of utilizing the tram headings that Ellington gave him, Strayhorn expressed, “Take the A Train.” He made it in his mind at a gathering, and afterward put it all in writing when he was finished.c


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