The Iguana in the Bathtubs Download The Iguana in the Bathtub by Anne Doten




The professional work titled The Iguana in the Bathtubs Download The Iguana in the Bathtub by Anne Doten uses features of descriptive writing. As you read this work, consider these questions:

What words, phrases, or lines are richest in showing rather than telling?
Focus on this opening paragraph: What did you notice about the language? What word or punctuation patterns did you notice, and how do they affect the description overall? What words are surprising?
Refer to the body paragraphs: What words create a powerful image? What do they make your picture?
The writer, Anne Doten, begins the word “Dumpster” with a capital letter. What does it represent in this writing?
Which words did Anne Doten use or could have used in the following sentences that imitate natural sounds and allow readers to hear the sound?
Iguanas started falling from the trees:
We rose early the next morning:
John opened the bathroom door:
We walked toward the tub:
John put the box in the dumpster:
What are iguanas compared with? Why?
What other comparison does the writer use? Why?
Which transition words does Doten use to illustrate where the iguanas were located?
The writer could have stopped after the first sentence and taken out all the following descriptions. With only 800 words to work with, why do you think she kept all the descriptions?
Go to the concluding lines, where she says, “Some things are just beyond saving.” What does she mean?
What important lesson about life do you perceive in this work? Where do you think the work will go from here? Why might all this “showing” be important?


Sample Solution

The opening paragraph of “The Iguana in the Bathtub” by Anne Doten is a great example of descriptive writing. The author starts with an introduction to the iguana that immediately sets the tone for the piece, as it introduces us to this unusual character and creates an atmosphere of mystery. Immediately we are drawn into the story, as she writes: “He was not like any other creature — he had eyes like two black buttons… He seemed so wise and yet so helpless” (Doten 2009). Through her use of imagery, Doten paints a vivid picture for us of our protagonist; we can almost see him sitting there in his bathtub with his mysterious eyes peering out at us.


The phrase “black buttons” stands out and helps create a vivid image—we can almost feel those eyes staring back at us—while words such as “wise” and “helpless” evoke sympathy from readers. Additionally, Doten employs rhetorical devices such as repetition (e.g., use of word “he/him”) throughout passage which further enhances descriptions by creating rhythm & flow.

dents can engage and continually attain quality education despite of the pandemic situation.

Based on the definition of Easy LMS Company (2020), synchronous learning refers to a learning event in which a group of participants is engaged in learning at the same time (e.g., zoom meeting, web conference, real- time class) while asynchronous learning refers to the opposite, in which the instructor, the learner, and other participants are not engaged in the learning process at the same time. Thus, there is no real-time interaction with other people (e.g., pre-recorded discussions, self- paced learning, discussion boards). According to article issued by University of Waterloo (2020), synchronous learning is a form of learning that is live presentation which allows the students to ask questions while asynchronous can be a recorded presentation that allows students to have time in reflecting before asking questions. Synchronous learning is a typical meeting of students in a virtual setting and there is a class discussion where everybody can participate actively. Asynchronous learning is the utilization of learning platform or portal where the teachers or instructors can post and update lessons or activities and student can work at their own pace. These types of class instruction are commonly observed in these times and students have their own preferences when it comes to what best works for them.



In comparing both of the types of learning, it is valuable to know the advantages and disadvantages in order to see how it will really be an impact towards students. Wintemute (2021) discussed synchronous learning has greater engagement and direct communication is present, but it requires strong internet connection. On the other hand, asynchronous learning is advantageous in schedule flexibility and more accessible, yet it is less immersive and the challenges in procrastination, socialization and distraction are present. Students in synchronous learning tend to adapt the changes of learning with classmates in a virtual setting while asynchronous learning introduced a new setting where students can choose when to study.

In the middle of the crisis, asynchronous learning can be more favorable than synchronous because most of us are struggling in this pandemic. One of the principal advantages of asynchronous online learning is that it offers more flexibility, allowing learners to set their own schedule and work at their own pace (Anthony and Thomas, 2020). In contrast, synchronous learning allows students to feel connected in a virtual world and it can give them assurance of not being isolated amidst studying lessons because they can have a live interactions and exchange of ideas and other valuable inputs for the class to understand the lessons well by the help of teachers. The main advantages of synchronous learning are that instructors can explain specific concepts when students are struggling and students can also get immediate answers about their concerns in the process of learning (Hughes, 2014). In the article of Delgado (2020), the advantages and disadvantages will

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