The Impact of Preceptorship on Nurse Confidence and Competency During Transition to Practice


prepare a 4-5-page paper identifying a specific topic you would like to investigate and relates to transitional nursing. You will briefly introduce the situation by utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include:

1. Introduction to the Problem
2. Clearly Identify the Problem
3. Significance of the problem to Nursing
4. Purpose of the research
5. Research questions
6. Master’s Essentials that aligned with your topi

Sample Solution


The transition from student nurse to registered nurse (RN) can be a challenging and stressful time. New graduates often experience feelings of inadequacy and a lack of confidence in their clinical skills [1, 2]. Preceptorship programs, which pair experienced nurses with novice nurses, have been established to bridge this gap and support new nurses during their transition to practice [3].

Research suggests that effective preceptorship programs can significantly impact patient care, nurse retention, and overall hospital outcomes [4, 5]. However, the specific aspects of preceptorship that contribute to positive outcomes for new nurses warrant further investigation.

Clearly Identifying the Problem:

This paper proposes to investigate the impact of specific preceptorship program components on the development of confidence and competency in newly graduated nurses during their transition to practice.

Significance of the Problem to Nursing:

Confidence and competency are critical attributes for nurses to deliver safe and effective patient care. New nurses lacking confidence may be hesitant to advocate for patients or delegate tasks appropriately, potentially compromising patient safety and quality of care [6]. Additionally, low confidence can contribute to high stress levels and burnout, leading to increased nurse turnover rates, which have a significant financial impact on healthcare systems [7].

Purpose of the Research:

This research aims to explore the specific components of preceptorship programs that contribute most significantly to the development of confidence and competency in new graduate nurses. By identifying these key elements, we can strengthen existing preceptorship programs and improve the transition to practice experience for new nurses.

Research Questions:

  • What are the specific components of nurse preceptorship programs that are most highly correlated with increased confidence and competency in new graduate nurses?
  • How do different preceptorship models (e.g., one-on-one preceptorship, co-preceptorship) impact the development of confidence and competency in new nurses?
  • Does the length and intensity of the preceptorship program influence the level of confidence and competency achieved by new graduate nurses?

Master’s Essentials Aligned with the Topic:

This research aligns with several Master’s Essentials of Nursing Education, as outlined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) [8]:

  • Quality Care: This research contributes to improving the quality of patient care by supporting the development of confident and competent new nurses.
  • Science-Based Practice: The research will utilize a scientific approach to investigate the effectiveness of different preceptorship program components.
  • Leadership: Findings can inform the development and implementation of effective preceptorship programs, a key leadership role for nurse educators and administrators.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration: Effective preceptorship involves collaboration between experienced nurses, educators, and new graduates.
  • Patient Outcomes: By increasing nurse confidence and competency, the research indirectly contributes to improved patient outcomes.


This paper has identified the critical role of nurse preceptorship programs in supporting new graduates during their transition to practice. The proposed research seeks to identify the specific components of these programs that most effectively promote the development of confidence and competency in new nurses. This knowledge can be used to refine existing programs and ensure a smoother transition for future generations of nurses, ultimately leading to improved patient care and a stronger healthcare system.

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