The impact Olaudah Equiano’s narrative had on the British abolishing slavery in 1807

How much impact do you believe that Olaudah Equiano’s narrative had on the British abolishing slavery in 1807? Or was it even that important at all?
Reference: “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”

Sample Solution

Olaudah Equiano’s narrative had a significant impact on the British abolishing slavery in 1807. His story of being kidnapped and sold into slavery at age 11 was widely read in the late 1700s, appealing to both abolitionists and those who still supported slavery. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano provided a vivid firsthand account of what it meant to be enslaved, which resonated with many readers.(Equiano 2009) By sharing his personal experiences as well as broader cultural details about African peoples, he successfully highlighted the realities for slaves across Europe and America at that time. This helped people to gain a better understanding of what was happening internationally, motivating them to become involved through petitions or other channels.(Carretta 2017).

Additionally, Equianos book also served an educational purpose by introducing readers to different African civilizations that were often overlooked or excluded from textbooks during this period (Weeks 2008). For example, Few Europeans knew about indigenous villages such as Whydah before reading his narrative. Therefore, it is likely that his work increased public knowledge about Africa making them more aware of its people’s struggles which could have partially influenced why Britain decided to abolish slave trading in 1807 even though they had been participating since 1698.(Weeks 2008).

In conclusion, Olaudah Equiano’s narrative played an important role in raising awareness about the evils of slavery among British citizens prior to abolition. While there may have been other factors contributing towards this milestone decision including political considerations, economic motivations etc., all evidence suggests that his text was also key in convincing people that something had to be done and ultimately leading up to Britain’s ultimate decision (Carretta 2017).

Thirdly, Vittola contends that war ought to be kept away from (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332) and that we ought to continue conditions carefully. This is upheld by the “final hotel” position in Frowe, where war ought not be allowed except if all actions to look for discretion fizzles (Frowe (2011), Page 62). This implies war ought not be proclaimed until one party must choose the option to pronounce battle, to safeguard its region and privileges, the point of war. Notwithstanding, we can likewise contend that the conflict can never be the final hotel, considering there is generally a method for attempting to keep away from it, similar to assents or conciliation, showing Vittola’s hypothesis is imperfect. Fourthly, Vittola inquiries upon whose authority can request a formal statement of war, where he infers any federation can do battle, however more critically, “the ruler” where he has “the regular request” as indicated by Augustine, and all authority is given to him. This is additionally upheld by Aristotle’s Politics ((1996), Page 28): ‘a ruler is the normal prevalent of his subjects.’ However, he truly does later stress to place all confidence in the sovereign is off-base and has outcomes; a careful assessment of the reason for war is expected alongside the readiness to arrange rival party (Begby et al (2006b), Page 312& 318). This is upheld by the activities of Hitler are considered unreasonably. Additionally, in this day and age, wars are not generally battled exclusively by states yet in addition non-state entertainers like Al-Queda and ISIS, showing Vittola’s regulating guarantee on power is obsolete. This is additionally upheld by Frowe’s case that the pioneer needs to address individuals’ inclinations, under authentic power, which joins on to the fourth condition: Public statement of war. Concurred with many, there should be an authority declaration on a statement of war (Frowe (2011), Page 59-60&63).

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