1. Why is integrity important to you as a student?
2. Why is it important to faculty?
3. Why is integrity important in your professional career? How can misrepresenting yourself
and/or your work impact you?4. The essay should also include why you made this decision and what you have learned through
this experience.
Academic integrity and intellectual credibility of students’ outputs are challenged in the onset of COVID 19. However, educational institutions’ respond to the challenge remain uncertain because confronting this issue affects not only the students but also the teachers. Should academic institutions need to address the issue of academic integrity and intellectual credibility? This essay presents the problem and offer several ways to avoid academic dishonesty. Genuine and sometimes hard-won knowledge and respect comes from presenting one’s own work and acknowledging the work of others. Personal and academic honesty fosters trust. Mutual trust among all members of the VSU community is essential for a positive learning environment.
blaming anyone for anything. I should have initially spoken to my group members immediately after the task had ended and given them my suggestions concerning the tasks we had taken and how we can improve it in the future. I should have also been keener before overreacting and being angry with my group members. This is because taking rush judgments and poor communication can really destroy a relationship and ruin it completely.
Therefore, the incident taught me the essence of building a good relationship with your team members and communicating well as explained by Jackson (1999) who expounded that, a good relationship is fundamental for the success of any task. Thus, I feel that if had I developed a good relationship with my group members, I would have influenced them to cooperate during the task and we would have been able to win all the tasks possibly. I would have also been able to talk to my team members and ask them of better ways to tackle the tasks, and since the relationship would have been good, everyone would have spoken freely and given their opinions thus improving the performance.
Action plan
In the future, I will do my best to ensure I build up a good relationship with my team members. I will also ensure that we build up good communication and planning before the commencement of another task. Since I am a monitor evaluator, I can help my leader in improving his skills by guiding him on the best way to handle future tasks. I have already talked to my group members, and we have agreed to hold a series of meetings on how we can improve our performance when we do another task in the future. We are looking at how we will be communicating when handling the tasks including how we can organize ourselves to ensure that we can complete future tasks successfully.
Moreover, since I am a monitor evaluator and a shaper, as explained by Belbin’s role (Belbin, 1993) I can have more ideas to deal the task in a better way. I would have given an individual sign to each person in a unique way to understand what exactly I instruct them. It will be much easier to complete the task on time. As a monitor evaluator, I can discern options and judge the accurately which will enable me to give proper guideline.