The Information Battleground Role of the Media


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 11 in Martin (2016). To check your understanding of the material required for this discussion, you may wish to access the quizzes and flash card activities on the companion website (Links to an external site.) for the Martin (2016) text.

As Martin (2016) discusses, there are two perspectives when examining the media. In the case of terrorism there is the perspective of the terrorist group and their message, and then there is the government perspective. Many times these messages are in direct conflict. In a democracy such as the United States, freedom of the press is a central tenant. We have come to rely on the media to report the news in an unbiased manner. However, it is important to remember there are two sides to every story. This discussion becomes even more complex when you take into account the culture, history, social justice, and systematic widespread political foundations of the populations involved. The bottom line is both the terrorist organization and the government want to get their message out, and they want to ensure it is crafted to support their point of view. The media is in the middle and can be used as a weapon. “The British Broadcasting Corporation operates under a detailed set of rules.” Martin points out in a quote from David Paletz and Laura Tawney that: “Consensus exists that ethical standards should be observed when reporting terrorist incidents. These include the following:

[Do Not] serve as a spokesman/accomplice of the terrorist…
[Do not] portray terror as attractive, romantic, or heroic; [instead, employ an] honest portrayal of motives of terrorist…
Hold back news where there is clear and immediate danger to life and limb…
Avoid . . . unchallenged terrorist propaganda . . .
Never try to solve a situation”
(Paletz, D. and Tawney, L. as quoted in Martin, 2016, p. 321)
Select a specific terrorist event, program, or attack and explain the role the media played in the event from the terrorist perspective:

What role did the media play in publicizing the terrorist organization’s message?
What forms of media did the terrorist organization use to transmit their message?
Were the uses of media ethical (for instance how were the ISIS/ISIL beheadings addressed)?
Who were the intended recipients of the message?
Are there other tools the terrorist organization could use to garner additional media attention to their cause?

contrary to the individuals, turns into a sovereign by the kindness of the nobles, should, about everything, to look to prevail upon the individuals to himself, and this he may effectively do on the off chance that he takes them under his insurance (Machiavelli 45).” Becoming one with the individuals and being inviting to them, he will win their kindness and that is giving one fundamental piece of the Renaissance time of humanism. This bit of composing shows that there is continually going to things traveling through governmental issues, however in the event that it is for the individuals it is human instinct. This piece gives you how writing can help clarify and manage individuals.

The Three Walls of the Romanists composed by Martin Luther is an extraordinary bit of writing for the Renaissance period also. This piece discusses the Roman Catholic Church and its perspectives. Because of the Renaissance, more individuals began to open their psyches about religion and everything that accompanies it. Inside the piece, it discusses the “dividers” that the Church follows yet are not substantial any longer. Those dividers were separated gradually with Luther’s supporting proof. One divider that he separated was that the fleeting force has no locale over the otherworldliness. Another was that nobody may decipher the sacred writings however the Pope. “… we are every one of the one body however every part accomplishes its own work, to serve the other. This is on the grounds that we have one absolution, one Gospel, one confidence, and are for the most part Christians the same; for immersion, Gospel, and confidence, these by themselves make profound and Christian individuals (Luther 1).” He uses such refrains to demonstrate what change should be done and expose the principles of the Catholic church in that time.

Titian, Sacred and Profane Love (1513-1514) is an incredible case of the Renaissance time frame too. This work of art shows the human body in the entirety of its brilliance. Two ladies and a youngster are perched on a seat.

One of the ladies is stripped and one is dressed in run of the mill Renaissance period attire. Regardless of the condition of the lady, both are respected for their body since it is normal. There are likenesses in both of the ladies, for example, the substance of both. They likewise both have long ginger hair twisted. The manner in which their countenances are built however isn’t the means by which they used to paint before this time. The focal point of the composition is the ladies and the kid however shows to such an extent. I accept that the artistic creation is indicating how the two may have lived. The lady dressed in white cloth may be progressively consecrated, she may be increasingly included inside the Church. The lady bare may have been one “revolting” per state in this time. She was investigating new things, for example, religion and the better approaches for the Renaissance.

Through the Renaissance, so much changed and advanced to time now. The impact that it had on workmanship and writing right up ’til today is as yet found. Through the Renaissance, religion has advanced a great deal to and we can thank that time for opening up the entryway for our strict convictions to be communicated uninhibitedly.
Ed Ruscha was conceived in Omaha Nebraska on December 16, 1937. He was destined to his Father, Edward Ruscha, and his mom Dorothy Ruscha. His family likewise included two kin. One was a sibling, named Paul, and the other, a sister, named Shelby. His family was of the Roman Catholic religion, and his dad was particularly right and severe. His mom held a greater amount of an enthusiasm for expressions of the human experience, and acquainted this with Ed and his sister.

Ed’s dad conveyed the control of a reviewer for an insurance agency, which in the long run drove him to move his family to Oklahoma City. They stayed there for the accompanying 15 years. While in Oklahoma City, Ruscha started to wind up keen on drawing kid’s shows, because of a neighbor of his who was a visual artist. In the end, it was the ideal opportunity for Ruscha to get off to school.

He applied to the Chouinard Art Institute in California. He later proceeded with his examinations at the California

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