The investigation of a fire

Develop a professional checklist to follow during the investigation of a fire, and then write a one-page narrative to support the checklist. This checklist can be an original document or one that your agency uses. This checklist should be comprehensive and take you from arrival to completion of the case, and you will use this checklist in Unit VIII for the fire investigation that you will conduct there. Next, you will write a single-page narrative to explain your method of examining the fire scene and your documentation methods.

Sample Solution

The investigation of a fire

Fires are destructive, spreading as they grow and consuming the evidence of their initiation. Putting out fires and finding out how they started involves public officials and private groups, such as fire departments, emergency medical services and law enforcement. First responders to a fire scene must assess and secure the scene and ensure that victims receive medical attention. Once a lead investigator arrives at the scene to relieve the first responders, he or she should evaluate the scene, identify witnesses, and survey what must be done. After the lead investigator has evaluated the scene, he or she must document the scene. He or she should photograph or videotape the scene; describe and document the scene. Once evidence has been collected and processed, the investigator must complete the investigation and release the scene. He or she should follow these steps: release the scene; and submit reports to the appropriate database.

• Private Placement- is the general term for several kinds of stocks or bonds that are sold directly to investors; cannot be resold on the public share market; and are not required to be registered with the regulatory body. A private placement is a method of raising capital with a small group of investors (typically less than 35).

• IPOs- It is the process of making shares of a private company available on the stock market for the general public for the first time. IPOs are forms of stock offerings that let you raise more money by trading in the capital markets.

3.2 What is Crowdfunding

The term “crowdsourcing” was first used by Jeff Howe in 2006 in an online article. It was used to denote a new management philosophy, that is, to solicit funds from an easily approachable “crowd”, or to bring up new ideas, or to appraise opinions. Along similar lines, the term “crowdfunding” was coined by Michael Sullivan in the fall of 2006 when launching a videoblog incubator project.

Crowdfunding as a new-age entrepreneurial phenomenon conveys a generalized recourse to the crowd, in order to replace bureaucratic and traditional fund providers, such as banks, financial markets, venture capitalists, governments, etc.

There have been three key developments which have contributed to the boom and rapid development of crowdfunding, they are as follows: First, there has been a growing tendency of the younger generation to trust their peers, rather than institutions. The rise of the peer-to-peer marketplace is emblematic of this development. New technologies effectively eliminate unnecessary middlemen when it comes to all sorts of financial transactions, establishing direct funding channels between people. Second, there has been a growth in the sharing economy. Collaborative efforts are the hallmark of this phase of business dealings. Crowdfunding is uniquely suited to innovative endeavours. On a fundamental level, the industrial revolution was hallmarked by consumption and the digital age is about creation. The emphasis in this age is on the process of creation itself. People are now beginning to take back control of the means of production. Third, democratization of the process. Crowdfunding, particularly equity crowdfunding promises to level the financial playing field by making high-level, top-of the line services accessible to a varied cross-section of consumers, and not just to institutional clients or the top one percent. Crowdfunding is aiding in in raising the financial literacy of the general public while lowering the barriers of entry to the world of venture capital, angel investing, and stock trading. It has encouraged greater financial inclusivity.

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