Experience the key role narrative plays in exposing stereotypes and bringing awareness to cultural diversity issues.
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Narrative plays a key role in exposing stereotypes and bringing awareness to cultural diversity issues by allowing individuals to tell their own stories. Narrative allows for an intimate exploration of the culture and experiences of groups often misunderstood or marginalized in society, providing insights into complex topics that may otherwise be glossed over. Stories allow readers to connect with characters on a personal level, making it easier to recognize and challenge prejudicial beliefs. By seeing the individual lives behind broad identities, readers come away understanding how even seemingly small actions can cause significant consequences for diverse communities.
For example, narratives such as The Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute To His White Mother by James McBride showcase how racial biases can create emotionally challenging situations for individuals who don’t easily fit into either minority or majority groups. Through his mother’s life story, McBride reveals the difficulties faced when trying to balance two conflicting cultures while also exploring themes such as identity development and family dynamics. This helps expose harmful stereotypes regarding race relations while creating empathy towards more complex situations involving cross-cultural conflicts.
Similarly, narrative is used in films such as Crazy Rich Asians which follows protagonist Rachel Chu as she attempts to make connections with her boyfriend’s wealthy Singaporean family despite feeling out of place due its unfamiliar customs and traditions which are foreign from her American upbringing. In this way, viewers gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by people belonging minority backgrounds who must navigate between different cultures without losing their own identity in the process.
Overall, narrative serves an important purpose in raising awareness about cultural diversity issues by providing an opportunity for individuals from all walks of life share their experiences through storytelling. In doing so it is able to bring attention not only to existing inequalities but also showcase potential solutions needed create greater acceptance amongst all members within our global community.
e are two types of workforce planning: hard and soft. CIPD (2018) Hard workforce planning is based on quantitative analysis, predicting how many employees, with what skills, are expected to be needed. Soft workforce planning ‘is more explicitly focused on creating and shaping the culture of the organisation so that there is a clear integration between corporate goals and employee values, beliefs and behaviors’ (Marchington and Wilkinson, 1996). It’s about finding a strategy within which information can be considered. The CIPD note the main stages of workforce planning to be: understanding the organisation and the operating environment, analysis of the workforce, determining future workforce needs, identifying gaps in the workforce, developing an action plan, and monitoring and evaluating action plans and solutions. Workforce planning aligns the strategic and business planning process with hiring and retention planning. When workforce planning is properly implemented, it can have many benefits. It can help identify issues early to avoid disruptions and costs. It can also help to identify roles and shortage of talent in the organisation, in order to fill the roles. An example of this is when an organisation is looking to expand their workforce and they can identify what sort of employees they need in order to make the expansion properly. Another advantage of workforce planning is that it can help an organisation retain employees. For example, if there is high turnover in a certain department, workforce planning can help an organisation find the cause of that certain turnover and put strategies in place to prevent it and retain employees. Furthermore, another advantage of workforce planning is that it can help avoid delays or disruptions that can have a negative effect on business profits.
Nonetheless, there are disadvantages of workforce planning. For example, the future is uncertain and there are many external factors that can have an affect on the employment opportunities, such as technological, political and cultural factors. Therefore, organisations cannot rely on workface planning. A further disadvantage of workforce planning is that it is time-consuming: organisations need to acquire all sorts of information and personal requirements of the workforce and then find suitable solutions. The