Choose 1 (ONE) of the poems from the list below to address in your essay:
• “The Lamb,” or “The Tiger,” or “The Chimney Sweeper” by William Blake
• “Batter my heart, three-personed God” or “Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne
• “Journey of the Magi” by T. S. Eliot
• “God’s Grandeur” or “Spring” by Gerard Manley Hopkins
• “Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats
• “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley
• “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning
• “Sailing to Byzantium” by William Butler Yeats
• “The Road Not Taken” or “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost
• “It Sifts from Leaden Sieves” or “There’s No Frigate Like a Book” by Emily Dickinson
• “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson
• Psalm 1 or 23
• “Virtue” by George Herbert
• “That Time of Year” (Sonnet 73) by William Shakespeare
Consider answering the following questions about the poem that you have chosen:
• What is/are the theme(s) of the poem?
• Is there a literal setting or situation in the poem? What lines from the poem tell the reader this information? What details does the author include?
• Is the setting symbolic?
• How would you describe the mood of the poem? What elements contribute to this mood?
• Is the title significant to the poem’s content or meaning? How?
• What major literary devices and figures of speech does the poet use to communicate the theme(s)?
• How are rhyme and other metrical devices used in the poem? Do they support the poem’s overall meaning? Why or why not?
• Is the identity of the poem’s narrator clear? How would you describe this person? What information, if any, does the author provide about him or her?
‘The Chimney Sweeper’ is a popular poem on account of its theme of poverty and the life of the working children. It was first published in 1789. The poem comprises the agony of children who were forced to live a miserable life. The children had to survive and earn their livelihood by sweeping chimney at a very young age during the time of William Blake. Misery, death, and hope are the major themes of this poem. The poem presents the miseries of children as chimney sweepers and their contentment in life. It is through the mouth of two young speakers the poet conveys his idea that one should not lose hope.
attempt the skills in previous weeks fully engaged and asked questions like ‘’why can’t we use the iPad every week”. This comment proposes that they relished the use of the iPad and that engagement had improved in comparison to previous weeks. Again, this highlights how this change in environment (Garn et al, 2011) can have a different effect on the student’s motivation and engagement in lessons. Regarding the Teachers Standards, the engagement was excellent and graded one by the observing teacher (Appendix 7).
Although the climate was a motivational one, it was important that For the students to benefit from the iPad, they needed to be able to construct their learning socially. Resulting in the AT placing the students into specific groups as they were given a chance to construct knowledge through their interactions and engagements with others (Henderson and Yeow, 2012) and utilise the iPad to the highest level as student-produced digital video encourages active problem-based learning (Pellett et al, 2009) and higher -order thinking skills (Fu, 2013) creating challenge (Appendix 11) . The iPad was used to help students develop their skills through AfL (Appendix 11). The observing teacher wrote down on the observation sheet that ‘the iPad focuses the pupils on assessing their routine and making improvements’. The observing teacher then went on to say in a professional discussion that ‘’it was the best approach for the learning environment the students were in” and that it ‘’was clear to see that students had made progress due to being able to construct and assess learning in groups”. These comments highlight how well the iPad and the learning environment it created worked concerning pupil progress. It was evident to see the student’s social skills were developing as discussions between students were very informative with a clear aim of students wanting to develop their sequences which link back to the objectives of the lesson (Appendix 3) and the progress teaching standard(Appendix 11).
Moreover, it was evident that students were being challenged and the pitch of the lesson was right (Appendix 11) as, during students’ discussions, most of the students were thoroughly conversating to a high level. During this point, the AT and the observing teacher discussed the situation with each other where the observing teacher highlighted that ‘the use of the iPad was developing their cognitive and social skills at this point because they were figuring out how to improve their physical ability through social situations. In Contrary, the observing teacher specified in the same the lesson ‘’students have more of an understanding of the keywords and what they needed to improve, resulting in them showcasing higher level thinking skills, asking more questions and socialising to improve”. This evidence shows that the iPad can have an extraordinary impact on pupils’ progress as a whole. This is further backed up by the questionnaire where a student