The main differences between misogyny and sexism




What are the main differences between misogyny and sexism?

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Misogyny and sexism are both related to prejudice against women, but they have some key distinctions:


  • Broader Ideology: Sexism is a larger ideology that encompasses beliefs and attitudes that stereotype or discriminate against people based on their gender. It can manifest in various ways, including:
    • Gender Roles: The idea that men and women have predetermined roles in society (men as breadwinners, women as caregivers).
    • Gender Pay Gap: Unequal pay for equal work.
    • Lack of Opportunities: Women being excluded from certain fields or leadership positions.
  • Implicit Bias: Sexism can be unconscious or implicit, where people hold stereotypical beliefs without realizing it.


  • Hatred of Women: Misogyny is a more extreme form of sexism that specifically refers to hatred or dislike of women. It’s a deep-rooted prejudice that views women as inferior to men.
  • Explicit and Hostile: Misogynistic views are often blatant and hostile. They can manifest in:
    • Violence against women: Physical or sexual assault motivated by gender hatred.
    • Demeaning Language: Using derogatory terms or insults towards women.
    • Objectification of Women: Reducing women to their physical appearance.

Here’s an analogy:

Think of sexism as a spectrum. On one end is unconscious bias, where people might hold stereotypical views without meaning to. As we move towards the other end, the views become more explicit and hostile, culminating in misogyny as the most extreme form of hatred.

In essence:

  • Sexism is a belief system that can be unconscious or conscious, and it leads to discrimination.
  • Misogyny is a specific type of sexism fueled by hatred and manifests in hostile behaviors.


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