The modus operandi of a robber

.What should be covered in the initial interview of a sexual assault victim? Why is this considered a delicate process?

2.Discuss the Code Adam and Amber Alert:

a. What are each?

b. What prompted each?

c. How does each work?

d. Should they be continued, discontinued or expanded into other

types of child safety programs, and why?

3.What is the make-up and focus of the various types of robbers? What is the relationship between these characteristics and their targets?

4.Describe the modus operandi of a robber:

5.Why should an investigator produce a case summary of the crime?

6.Define larceny. How does larceny differ from theft?

7.What has been the impact of consolidating theft offenses?

8.Discuss the three major types of child maltreatment, and give an example of each. Next, discuss the role of the police in the investigation for each (how will the officer focus his/her investigation):

9.Discuss the child molester: a. Give a description of a molester, b. name and define the three types of child sexual abuse, and c. discuss the two psychological types of molesters:

10.What makes something burn? Why is this important when investigating arson?

11.Who has been traditionally responsible for investigating a fire? How has this role changed over time, and why?

12.Why would someone start a fire? Give an example with your response:

13.Define Terrorism. What is the primary role of the investigator during any terrorism investigation? How are terror crimes different from other types of crime?

14.When searching for suspected explosive devices/bombs, what is the method best described to use and why? (explain fully)

15.Discuss the two types of investigations that should follow an officer-involved shooting.

16.How have cons or swindles changed with the advent of the Internet?

17.What is identity theft? How can identity theft be perpetrated?

18.Discuss what it is that the state must prove in each and every criminal case that it tries, and why:

19.What is the “chain of custody,” and what problems arise in attempting to maintain it?

20.Who can be an “expert” for trial purposes? How is it determined whether or not a person is deserving of expert status?

Sample Solution

The modus operandi of a robber

Modus operandi is a Latin phrase meaning “mode of operating.” In criminal law, modus operandi refers to a method of operation or pattern of criminal behavior so distinctive that separate crimes or wrongful conduct are recognized as the work of the same person. Modus operandi is used as a basis for admitting evidence of other crimes and is permitted by Rule 404(b) (2) of the Federal Rules of Evidence. For example, in a case involving the armed robbery of a bank, evidence that the alleged robber was convicted of an armed robbery one year prior would be admissible to prove identity through modus operandi where in both the prior case and the current case the perpetrator wore a purple cowboy hat, possessed a gold gun with mother of pearl handles, was heard humming the tune “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” and put money in a black Gucci bag. The evidence is so specific that it uniquely identifies defendant as the perpetrator in the case at hand.

played a role in protecting human rights, Risse, Ropp and Sikkink’s (1999) ‘spiral model’ and whether it establishes a general theory of human rights change and the concept of human security and whether this has the potential to undermine human rights. All of these provide essential research in the field of human rights and is pivotal as it goes deeper in its understanding of human rights and states behaviour.

One of the biggest questions that arise in terms of human rights, is whether international human rights instruments truly work in protecting and promoting human rights. In order to determine this, observing countries that have ratified treaties and declarations is pivotal as it can help measure the effectiveness of such instruments. While some human rights advocates may be cautious of these experiments, this type of investigation can offer insights into the understanding of human rights. Experiments often have three important characteristics: control measurements, manipulation of the independent variable, and random assignment to condition (McDermott, 2002). Using experimental research methods to study the impact and effectiveness of human rights can give an explanation as to why rights are violated and allows for a possible determination to the possible causes of human rights abuses. There has been an array of experiments conducted that help determines whether international human rights instruments actually promote the implementation of human rights into national policy.

Linda Camp Keith (1999) observation on whether becoming a member state to the International

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