The movie; “The Danger”



Watch Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story.” She discusses the danger ofjudging others based on our own worldviews and the undignified nature of stereotypes. Also, wewill read a text by Brent Staples titled, “Black Men and Public Space.” In his text, Staplesdiscusses his daily experiences as a “threatening” black man and how he is actually the victimwhen others become threatened by him. We will pair Staples’s text with Sterling K. Brown’sFacebook video, which discusses the literal and metaphorical masks that Black folk wear on adaily basis.


OPTION 1: Using Adichie’s, Staples’s, and Brown’s texts as a lens, narrate an experience youhave had during the COVID-19 or the anti-blackness pandemic. Describe a specific event thathas happened to you during one of these pandemics.Use sensory details and dialogue to further the plot of your story. At the end of your story, reflecton how this incident made you feel, what it is like to reflect back on it now, and what you havelearned from it. If applicable, you can also make a call to action to your readers.

OPTION 2: Using Adichie’s, Staples’s, and Brown’s texts as a lens, discuss a specific event inthe news that is related to either the COVID-19 or anti-blackness pandemic. Choose one specificnews article or social media post, describe the event using sensory details and dialogue (ifapplicable), reflect on how this incident made you feel, what it is like to reflect back on it now,and what you have learned from it. If applicable, you can also make a call to action to yourreaders.

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their roles in the project. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2005) This strategy would make a good use of existing resources and would encourage employees to be more active. Many organizations, managers and managerialists think it is a very important theory of our time. (Potterfield, Thomas, Quorum Books, 1999, p. 6) Because it is a project due by December 15th, we need to set up a timeline to separate the whole project to make sure the task will be finished step by step. (Grafton, Anthony; Rosenberg, Daniel , 2010) When I design the timeline, I need to leave at least 20% of the free time in case some emergencies. If the emergencies happen, it would be a lot of economic losses and it is my errors of management.

Besides, 6 experts are all from different places which means they grown up and were educated in different environment. This may leads to cultural differences and causes some conflicts. As a leader of the team, I play the most important role, like a fusion combines all members into a real team. So that I need to know some culture about every member. Cross-cultural communication is not easy, not only the language but also lifestyle and ways of doing things. (“Fact and Figure about cross cultural training.” Cultural Candor Inc. Retrieved 3, December 2015)

As a leader, I will encourage them to be more innovative and motivated. I believe innovation is like a door of the tasks and the motivation is the key to open it. Employee motivation has defined as the “psychological forces that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in an organization, a person’s level of effort and a person’s level of persistence”. (Jones, Gareth R.; George, Jennifer M, C

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