The movie; The Doctor with William Hurt.


Watch the movie The Doctor with William Hurt. Based on the negative health care issues shown in the movie, create an affinity diagram showing these negative performance issues described. This classic movie is available in many places and you are responsible for obtaining a copy (Try Amazon rental or Netflix).

See Figure 3.3 on pg. 45 in the text for example of affinity diagram. Your affinity diagram should have at least four negative healthcare categories of issues to get full credit. Submit your solution in an MS Word document.

Make sure your assignment has a title like “HIM 332 Affinity Diagram” and put your name and the date under the title.

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Patricia Shaw, Darcy Carter

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used around the world. It had been announce recently that Internet address are to allow non Latin character as addresses, this means in future, Chinese character forming the web address is highly possible [Choe, 30 Oct 2009]. While the impact of this is still uncertain, but company that market target country using non-Latin character as language like China and Japan will definitely need to adapt to this change.

4.0 Industrial Analysis

4.1 Threat of new entrants

The airline industry require a huge capital investment, with at least millions of capital required before any business process, it is estimate that the company require approximately $1 of capital to generate $1 of revenue. It would require a lot of logistic works, highly skilled personal such as pilots, aircraft technicians and specialise managerial personnel which are often limited in resources in the industry. Limited access to airport and route are also another difficulty post to new entrant [Calingo. 1997]

As the Asia Pacific region move toward free trade and deregulation of airspace, more opportunity are created. Since introduce by America Southwest Airlines in 1973, Low Cost Carrier (LCC) have gain popularity and proven to be profitable [Uherek, 2006]. Many new companies had been form to provide this service around the Asian region around 1990s, currently Asia region have over 60 of such LCC mainly offering short distance flight within same country. Some of these airlines have started to offer long haul budget airline, for example Air Asia had introduce Air Asia X in 2007 that offer flight from Malaysia to London, Australia and India [Kent, 5th Jan 2007]. Although these Low Cost Carrier (LCC) were not yet considered as a direct competition to SIA as the target market for these airlines is more for cost conscious traveller, it is possible that in not so distance future, these

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