The National government and Local government are working to enhance security.



The national is a serious issues affecting the country; The National government and Local government are working to enhance security. Discuss the roles of fusion center in the National security. Also discuss who runs these centers.


Sample Solution

The National government and Local government are working to enhance security

A fusion center is a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise and information to the center with the goal of maximizing their ability to detect, prevent, investigate, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity. Fusion centers conduct analysis and facilitate information sharing, assisting law enforcement and homeland security partners in preventing, protecting against, and responding to crime and terrorism. Fusion centers are owned and operated by state and local entities support from federal partners in the form of: deployed personnel, training, technical assistance, exercise support, security clearances, connectivity to federal systems, technology, and grant funding.

The metal that will react the most with the HCl will be the aluminum since it is located above hydrogen. This makes it the most corrosive and not a suitable choice for the pipe. The next most corrosive will be the common brass since it is composed of around 62-65% zinc and around 37% copper. (Bell) Almost the least corrosive, but still not corrosive resistant would be stainless steel. It is an alloy composed of chromium, nickel, iron and carbon. Given stainless steel’s carbon makeup, some corrosion will occur, however, it will occur at a very minimal rate. The least corrosive element will be copper, because it is located well below hydrogen. Being that this pipe will be solely composed of copper, the pipe will never corrode since the reaction cannot occur. This makes copper the optimal choice in terms of corrosion.

Experimental Methods

On February 14th, four groups of engineers put the metals of brass, aluminium, steel and copper to a test to determine which metal would be optimal in using for the pipes on the reactor. Two groups were selected to run the experiment using steel and copper, while the other two groups tested the brass and aluminium. Each group was given a rod of each of the material. Our first step was to fill our steam generator with an adequate amount of water and turn it on to allow the water to heat up. Weights were placed on top of the steam generator as to not allow any steam to escape while the generator was heating up. Heat resistance gloves must be worn when handling the steam generator in order to prevent severe burns.

Figure [3]. Steam Generator in Process of Heating Water

The next step was to measure the initial length of the rod as this would be later used to determine the coefficient of linear expansion for each metal.

Figure [4]. Brass and Aluminium Rods Measured for Initial Lengths

After measuring the rod, it had to be placed inside of the heat exchanger. Following the placement of the rod in the apparatus, the jacket had to be secured to the exchanger using the micrometer screw.

Figure [5]. Rod Placed Inside of Heat Exchanger

The micrometer screw attached to the apparatus had to be slowly tightened just to make contact with the rod to be sure of an accurate reading on the micrometer gauge.

Figure [6]. Rods Securely Placed into Apparatus by Micrometer Screw

Figure [7]. Micrometer Gauge Reading in mm

We then recorded the initial micrometer gauge reading and inserted a thermometer into the exchanger to get the initial temperature reading. Once the exchanger was ready, we connected the steam generator to the apparatus using rubber tubes and applying weights on the generator to allow minimal leakage

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