The Nature of Corporate Culture.”


Please respond to the following:
Discuss at least three (3) manifestations of corporate culture. Which one formally defines a company’s culture? Why?
Discuss the two (2) main change processes of corporate culture. Which of these change processes supports organizational growth the most? Why
Discussion 2: “Using Organizational Development to Develop a Sustainable Nonprofit Organization.” Please respond to the following:
Discuss the key differences associated with developing a sustainable nonprofit versus a forprofit organization.
Discuss the some of the unique structural issues that nonprofits must address when defining the role of volunteers.




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My Antonia Essay – Life of the Immigrants

My antonian migrant, William Cather’s life, demonstrated a great deal of data about “the old wild West” and the development of the United States. In my Antonia, Jim Baden recounts to the tale of his youth, a mind-blowing individuals, and the battle the earth around him and his condition looked during this period. At 10 years old, Jim Baden experienced childhood in the grassland of Nebraska after his folks kicked the bucket. At the point when he showed up at his new house, he was acquainted with Simmidas, a group of Bohemian moved to the United States.

“My Antonia” helps me to remember Jim Baden’s life and discusses the intriguing story of Simeredus, with a specific spotlight on young ladies working in the field like individuals, Antonia. Antonia Shemerda is a Bohemian worker in the Great Plains in the United States and typifies the exemplary American legends of the century back. She took the family to the glade of Nebraska and improved lives for himself on immaculate land around a great many occasions. In the presentation, Jim Baden ‘s job asserted that he recorded in his memory of Antonia and their whole experience in youth effectively in Nebraska. Subsequently, the peruser rapidly comprehends that the story isn’t one of the firmly woven plots. It additionally affirms that the peruser is recollecting the individual while tuning in to the story, and absolutely will be recolored by Jim’s memory, demeanor and time. For Jim, she exemplifies the unmistakable, valiant human spirit.

My Antonia is Willa Cather. An account of companions, love, foreigners, most significant changes. My entire book is about change. Antonia changed from Bohemian ignorant kids to a brilliant lady of America. Antonia lives very well in Bohemia however lives in poor in the United States. Antonia has changed from a blameless young lady to a tireless youngster. At that point, there is a weight on Jim, you can consider it a closest companion of Antonia, or you can feel free to call them Soulmate. They moved together to Nebraska, they despite everything keep companions for eternity. They changed their lifestyle, even changed towns, occupations, interests, yet they were still companions in their lives. A portion of Jim’s progressions include moving from his folks Virginia to Black Hawk, Nebraska and his grandparents, and his different changes are moving starting with one nation then onto the next. You can say that this entire book is about change.


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