The necessity of proper order


1. What is the necessity of proper order?
2. How does East Asian law differ from Western law?
3. Explain moral markets.
4. Fully explain Confucian moral theory and practice.
5. Explain the significance of the family and the importance of ritual.

Sample Solution

The necessity of proper order

The proper order is a set of orders that are assumed to be the necessary qualifications for a society to be considered “proper.”  Proper order is utilized to create preconditions and achieve and maintain a balanced life. Competition and greed are certainly part of economics, but moral markets shows how the rules of market exchange have evolved to promote behavior and how exchange itself may make us more virtuous. Most people are fundamentally honest, trustworthy, and fair. Why? Because they have a capacity for empathy and trust that is just as innate as their capacity for selfishness. It evolved in order to enable people to capture social benefits through exchange. Markets not only need that instinct; they also nurture it.

e EU it would reduce the number of foreign workers which will make the country less broad for example in skills. If people decide to leave, this would mean we are losing people with different abilities and skills. All this will result into people having less disposable income to spend. However, a benefit outcome is, more jobs available to the British citizens if foreigners decide to leave. The Housing market has also been affected by the Brexit as overseas property buyers are buying London properties after the shocking decision for the UK leaving the EU. In the UK, it is mostly foreigners buying properties, so the UK leaving the EU the housing market has fallen. For example, Estate agents in the UK have been swamped with calls from Chinese, Middle Eastern, Italian and Spanish buyers looking for a bargain after the pound tumbled to more than 30-year lows.

Crime rate will increase due to Britain leaving the EU because of the situation happening in Syria. The more migrants the UK takes, the more vulnerable to terrorist attacks we are and this is one of the main reasons people wanted to leave the EU as they wanted less chances of anything happening. If the crime rate increases, this would affect the economy as people would have to pay for taxes if more people are going to prison or if any attacks happen etc. “Hate crime surged in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the second half of July nearly a month after the EU referendum vote and still remains at significantly higher levels than a year ago. The latest set of figures quietly released by the National Police Chiefs’ Council on Wednesday shows a 49% rise in incidents to 1,863 in the last week in July in comparison to the previous year. The week after saw a record 58% increase in recorded incidents to 1,787”. (Travis, 2016)

Brexit has caused uncertainty in Britain’s economy causing investments to freeze and house prices to fall “Nationally, prices went down by 0.9%” (Edwards,2016) in July and that was just the beginning.

UK’s central disagreement was based on its economy not being able to control the number of immigrants it was receiving due to its position within the stagnating EU. However, could this decision help the economy? Decreasing immigration would reduce the GDP of Britain. Less migrants from European countries would mean a decline in spending, that’s 5% (3.2m) of European migrants that pay government taxes towards the NHS and other public sectors. Controlling immigration would result in the limitation in the supply of skilled labour for UK’s health force thus increasing costs for the economy as they spend more on education. This is because the percentage of people coming from Europe are highly likely to be educated at 44% and are more likely to get into work, compared to 23% of British born (Dunford and Kirk, 2016), from the argument its shows Brexit is slowing the economy down.

Although, is the quantity of migrants from Europe enough to halt the growth in our economy? The UK closing its borders to EU nationals would not affect the immigrants coming from other countries, for example India and China, therefore it would not affect the GDP by far. To support this, BBC news reports the increase in growth in our economy: ‘Latest figures show that the economy grew by 0.5% in the three months after the Brexit vote’ (BBC,2016) proving the effect was positive but less than expected at 0.7%. At this point in time figures may not show the full impact of Brexit on the economy as it is recent, however the ratio of people outside of the EU are still greater than the ones within the EU coming to the UK, making the point valid for argument.

As the economy grows it att

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