The opinion-policy nexus encountered


You will need to include the followingsections in your assignment:1.Background-Short introduction ofyour
approach to opinion-policy.-Is there a gap in the literature? Are you extending existing knowledge to a new
case / comparison?What is your contribution to the literature?2.Research Question-Your research question
should smoothly come from the background. It should be concise, specific and clearly articulated.3.Overview of
the theoretical propositions-State thetheoretical expectations or hypotheses that you plan to test in your
research.4.Conceptualisation of the main concepts-Briefly define your main concepts. E.g., how do you define
public opinion and policy?5.Type of research strategy-How will you conduct your research and answer your
research question? What methodology will you be using? E.g., experimental design, large-N design,
comparative design, single-case study design?6.Case selection-Whatare your cases (e.g., country,
population)?-What is your time frame? E.g., if you use ‘dynamic representation’you need to specify a time
period covered in your study; if you use a static approach (e.g., ‘policy congruence’) you need to specify the
year of the survey dataset you plan to use.7.Operationalisation-How do you operationalise your concepts?
How do you measure them? (E.g., if you plan to study ‘dynamic agenda representation’, you need to specify
how you measure public priorities and policy agendas.)8.Data sources
2-What sources will you be using? E.g., specify whether you will rely on data collection from existing sources,
like Eurostat or OECD Government Expenditure by Function (if you plan to use spending on a given policy
domain), or the Comparative Manifesto Project (for parties’ policy positions) or the Comparative Agendas
Project (e.g., for public, media or policy agendas) if you plan to use information from an existing
project.9.Potential ethical considerations-Explain here whether your project will require ethical approval. E.g., if
you plan to use data from existing datasets there is no need for ethical approval, but if you plan to generate
your own data (e.g., conduct qualitative interviews, conduct a survey) then you need ethical approval.
10.Bibliography (not included in the word count)-The bibliography should include the relevant research
published on the approach to opinion-policy that you have selected. The sources available in the Reading List
are crucial but you should also extend them to make sure you do not miss other relevant publications on your

Sample Solution

If managers want to grow employees and to do something, they can follow the power tactics. Power is related with expert and motivational. Power can inspire in an organization both positively and negatively. In TCC the managers apply power to develop flexible working plan so that employees get motivated and work according to their ease. The management has the power to run the organization according to the company’s objectives. To create a good connection with the employees, managers can positively activity their power. It supports to return the company’s output and revenue. In an organization, different types of power present such as: legitimate power, reward power, expert power, coercive power, and referent power (Markoulli, 2017). All of these powers can be used for an organization not only for favor but also for bad will. Task 2: P2. An evaluation of how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organizational context. An organization achieve their specific target by proper motivation. In business sector 3 types’ motivation present such as content theory, process theory and reinforcement theory (Gladwell, 2017). Content Theories: Content theory describes the positive issues of motivation. It is important on what motivates the individuals. It explains the clarifications of impulses of human needs as well as time and many psychologists strived to describe these needs. There are some theories include in content theory such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, McGregor’s Theory X and Y, ERG theory, Herzberg’s Motivational theory, and McClelland’s theory of needs. The main advantages of content theory that it can make employees be positive. Here motivator motivates each employee individually that’s why employee do their work very easily and correctly. For this theory, employees are fulfilled their basic needs (Hall, 2017).

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