The opioid crisis


During a pandemic, measures like lockdowns and mask mandates may be implemented. It is sometimes argued that such measures infringe on personal autonomy.
Are such measures morally justified? Why/why not?
Which of the eight principles for the allocation of medical resources do you find most convincing? Why?
Does Judith Jarvis Thompson’s “famous violinist” thought experiment prove that abortion is ethically permissible? Do her other thought experiments? Justify your answer.
What is Don Marquis’s argument for the immorality of abortion?
Does it provide a convincing rebuttal to Judith Jarvis Thompson’s arguments in defense of abortion?
What is “reproductive justice”, and why do its advocates think it is important to move beyond the language of “pro-life” and “pro-choice”? Do you agree?
Is the American healthcare system just? Why or why not?
How does it compare with other leading alternative healthcare systems? Provide evidence to support your claims.
Is the opioid crisis best understood as a problem of criminality, or a problem of public health? Explain your answer.



Sample Solution

One of the biggest problems the American healthcare system is currently dealing with is dealing with opioid addiction, and nurses are essential to our country’s attempts to address the pandemic. Numerous features of opioid addiction and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) pose difficulties for medical professionals, not the least of which is the possibility that they may have already given in. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has developed a number of useful resources to assist in managing and reducing the opioid epidemic, including best practices, a general overview of how ineffective pain management contributes to the opioid epidemic, and suggestions for how the situation can be improved on a national scale.

proportion of knowledge, albeit that word is rarely utilized in the manual. Despite the fact that, the manual reports that the test doesn’t quantify accomplishment essentially, clearly significant general information is involved, including jargon and different parts of created capacities; a few viewpoints, like the translation of maxims, show up shockingly socially stacked. The things are organized by their degree of trouble, with the most straightforward things falling toward the start of the test (Carpenter, 1990). Most trial of general mental capacity include both speed and power. Speed is obviously more significant on the WPT than it is on most trial of this kind. Murphy (1984) tended to the quickness factor on this test and its effect on unambiguous competitors. Barely any up-and-comers (under 1%) by and large even endeavor the keep going 10 things on the test. The expediency of the instrument is probably going to influence unfavorably the people who are more established, who have different sorts of handicaps, and those for whom English (or anything that language the instrument in which the test is directed) isn’t their essential language. Provided that huge quickness on a task or in an instructive encounter is basic, does this genuinely outrageous degree of expediency check out. The manual gives score changes in accordance with age because of the expediency. For instance, it is suggested that those somewhere in the range of 40 and 49 years of age get two crude score focuses added to their score to adjust the quickness factor. Another change is accommodated different elements that could impact a test taker’s capacity to step through the examination rapidly; that’s what the manual expresses in the event that a test taker responds to many inquiries accurately given a predetermined number of things endeavored, a ‘misassessment’ might be analyzed. To correct this issue, one more type of the WPT might be given in an untimed design, with 6 focuses deducted from the subsequent score. No support for this calculation is given.

There are somewhere around 10 types of the WPT, including four distinguished as Scholastic Level Exam structures. Furthermore, huge print, Braille, and audiotape types of the test are accessible for people with handicaps (Brody, 1992).


Finish of Nursing Program consummation is an expected capability to sit for the NCLEX-RN test. Understudies who are not arranged scholastically may have to rehash courses, deferring program culmination. Many projects permit understudies a specific number obviously rehashes before end from the program. Siktberg and Dillard (2001) portrayed a BSN programs strategy change, which expanded passable course disappointment from a few courses preceding project excusal. The discoveries related with this approach change lead to the assurance that 85% of graduates who had bombed the NCLEX-RN had flopped no less than two nursing courses. This tracking down brought about the restoration of the two-course disappointment strategy. Accordingly, program

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