The period in which the work was created

Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).
2. Analyze how this work reflects a theme or stylistic characteristic from its period (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).
3. Analyze the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contributions to the humanities (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).

Sample Solution

between race and beauty. Whiteness and thinness are perceived as beauty norms which are enforced and normalized in society. Various forms of industries, markets, and companies monitor conceptions of beauty through objects and pursue the conception that beauty is akin to fair skin, long sleek hair, and thinness. As a result, those who do not identify with these notions of beauty, whether is it skin colour, hair texture or body size, perceive themselves as not beautiful.

Annotated Bibliography

Ali, M. Mir, John A. Rizzo and Frank W. Heiland. 2013. “Big and Beautiful? Evidence of Racial

Differences in The Perceived Attractiveness of Obese Females.” Journal of Adolescence,

36(3): 539-549.

This article asserts that physical appearance, especially being attractive, is a valuable and prominent asset in many situations of human interaction. Individuals judgements of others’ appearances are linked to body sizes which are depended on and influenced by a complex set of social and cultural values and norms. Thin bodies are appraised as they are in line with beauty norms while overweight bodies are stigmatized. The authors analyze the relationship between body weight, race and notions of attractiveness. They hypothesize that on various dimensions of attractiveness, white girls and black girls will be ranked differently based on body weights. Data for this study was drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health with a sample consisting of 5947 white and black girls aged 12 to 18. Results show that white girls were more likely to be ranked physically attractive and described as having an attractive personality than black girls. The article concludes that overweight and obese girls are less likely to be perceived as attr

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