Prompt 1: Upon learning that the poet and statesman Solon was tasked with drafting a set of laws for Athens, the Scythian philosopher Anacharsis commented: “Laws are spider-webs, which catch the little flies, but cannot hold the big ones.” Consider how this quotation relates to the article about the Raines Law. Then, in an essay with a thesis statement, explain how the Raines Law of 1896 supports the quotation from Anacharsis. Your essay should do the following: 1) demonstrate an understanding of the Raines Law and the provided article, 2) demonstrate an understanding of Anacharsis’s quotation, and 3) clearly establish the relationship between both the quotation and the article.
a. The average rating for all CBC movies is 7.2, ABN movies is 8.3, and BBS movies is 6.3 (see bar chart below). b. Descriptive Statistics for Ratings of Networks: CBC | ABN | BBS Mean: 7.2 | 8.3 | 6.3 Median: 7 | 8 | 6 Mode: 7| 9| 5 Standard Deviation: 1.862 | 0.908| 1.544 c. From the descriptive statistics, we can see that the mean ratings for all three networks are fairly close in value, with the highest being ABN’s mean rating at 8.3 and the lowest being BBS’ mean rating at 6.3; however, looking further into metrics such as standard deviation and mode show that CBC’s ratings have a higher degree of variability compared to the other two networks (1.86 vs 0-0 .908 and 1-544 respectively). This could indicate that while CBC’s movies may be more hit or miss in terms of quality than either ABN’s or BBS’, they also have more potential to become big hits if done right – something which would benefit both audiences and investors alike as it could lead to greater returns on investments in these films..
a. The average rating for all CBC movies is 7.2, ABN movies is 8.3, and BBS movies is 6.3 (see bar chart below). b. Descriptive Statistics for Ratings of Networks: CBC | ABN | BBS Mean: 7.2 | 8.3 | 6.3 Median: 7 | 8 | 6 Mode: 7| 9| 5 Standard Deviation: 1.862 | 0.908| 1.544 c. From the descriptive statistics, we can see that the mean ratings for all three networks are fairly close in value, with the highest being ABN’s mean rating at 8.3 and the lowest being BBS’ mean rating at 6.3; however, looking further into metrics such as standard deviation and mode show that CBC’s ratings have a higher degree of variability compared to the other two networks (1.86 vs 0-0 .908 and 1-544 respectively). This could indicate that while CBC’s movies may be more hit or miss in terms of quality than either ABN’s or BBS’, they also have more potential to become big hits if done right – something which would benefit both audiences and investors alike as it could lead to greater returns on investments in these films..
a. The average rating for all CBC movies is 7.2, ABN movies is 8.3, and BBS movies is 6.3 (see bar chart below). b. Descriptive Statistics for Ratings of Networks: CBC | ABN | BBS Mean: 7.2 | 8.3 | 6.3 Median: 7 | 8 | 6 Mode: 7| 9| 5 Standard Deviation: 1.862 | 0.908| 1.544 c. From the descriptive statistics, we can see that the mean ratings for all three networks are fairly close in value, with the highest being ABN’s mean rating at 8.3 and the lowest being BBS’ mean rating at 6.3; however, looking further into metrics such as standard deviation and mode show that CBC’s ratings have a higher degree of variability compared to the other two networks (1.86 vs 0-0 .908 and 1-544 respectively). This could indicate that while CBC’s movies may be more hit or miss in terms of quality than either ABN’s or BBS’, they also have more potential to become big hits if done right – something which would benefit both audiences and investors alike as it could lead to greater returns on investments in these films..