The politics of Texas’ justice system


Objective: Use examples from the movie to explain the politics of Texas’ justice system in application of criminal proceedings and the nature of corrections policy to illustrate meaning of the death penalty/eye for an eye mentality; and create an argument supporting rehabilitation, death penalty or long term incarceration as the best correctional policy approach to dealing with criminals in Texas.

PART 1: Video Access and Viewing

The video you are required to watch will cover the notorious Texas execution case of Todd Willingham. In 2004, Cameron Todd Willingham has executed for the arson (fire) deaths of his three children. The initial investigation found 20 indicators of arson, pointing to his guilt. When science is included and they reexamine the evidence used to convict Willingham, no sign of arson was found. Did Texas potentially execute a man who was innocent?

The video is publicly accessible through PBS Frontline’s official website. You can access the video by following the instructions provided below

Click the link below, or copy and paste the link, into a new tab, in your internet browser. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

PART 2: Video Reflection, Analysis and Submission Instructions
Write a reflective analysis of crime, justice, and punishment under application of the Death Penalty, in Texas, based on the application of what you learned from the Todd Willingham Case Video.

Write an essay that addresses each of prompt’s 2 components, Issue Position and Explanation, and Application, outlined below

Issue Position:

First, identify whether you are for, or against the use of the death penalty as a form of criminal punishment (there is NO right or wrong answer). Successful completion of this assignment, and it’s learning objective, require your compliance in identification or your personal position, and perspective, towards the issue of the “death penalty”. Responses are confidential and will be graded objectively, based on student’s independent, reflective analysis of their own individual personal perspectives, and application of the information.

Explanation and Application

Then, Discuss, and describe, the nature of the political debate, surrounding the issue of the death penalty, and explain how your personal position toward the issue has changed or been reinforced, with regard to the application to crime, punishment and justice in Texas, based on what you learned from the movie.

Sample Solution

Death penalty is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being and is a very controversial method of punishment. Criminals convicted of murder, rape and other capital offences are largely subjected to death penalty. However, there is constant debates over the if indeed we have the power and or right to take away someone’s life legally or

Reasons for Lower Back Pain

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circumstances and logical results paper sampleTechnological progress has made various activities individuals perform every day a lot more straightforward. Contrasted with the expectations for everyday comforts of a few centuries prior, physical security is nearly guaranteed these days. This, just as different variables, has caused critical changes in ways of life, to be specific diminished physical movement. New working and living conditions have additionally caused a measure of far reaching medical issues which, probably, were new to past ages. One of such issues is steady lower back torment.

One of the ordinary reasons why individuals have torment in their lower back is root nerve torment. It is generally brought about by the nerve root being aggravated or precisely proceeded ( This occurs, for instance, on account of a purported prolapsed spine plate, when the delicate internal piece of a spinal circle swells off the outside part, which is more diligently, and pushes on the nerve. In its turn, this condition can be brought about by various elements, for example, extreme physical exertion, more than once being in an off-base body position, having an inactive way of life, etc.

lumbar strainAnother explanation behind lower back torment is what is generally called lumbar strain. Essentially, this term implies lower back muscles, ligaments, or tendons have experienced an extending injury, causing minuscule tears in these tissues ( This disease can happen to individuals of all ages, and shows itself as agony ran from mellow to serious. Ordinarily, lumbar strain happens to individuals who fell, got hit, or experienced other damaging expressions of love on the lower back zone.

Maybe the most well-known and, so to state, normal motivation behind why individuals get torment in the lower back is degenerative procedures. The spine (of which the lower back segment consistently experiences the most extraordinary burdens, such as supporting body weight, lifting masses, etc) comprises of around 30 vertebrae, bones, and a light issue called “spine circles.” As an individual gets more established, and considering the steady loads on the lower back, this supple issue between vertebrae wears off and turns out to be all the more firm (WebMD). This makes the plates become increasingly defenseless against injuries. Likewise, such sicknesses as osteochondrosis and scoliosis additionally cause gentle and serious torment in various areas of the spine, including the lower back.

Considering the previously mentioned reasons, it is clear lower back agony is frequently identified with the sort of physical burdens the spine gets continually. The three central point causing lower back issues are associated with mechanical impacts and degenerative procedures, so it is essential for any person to watch out for what activities the individual does and how the individual in question finishes activities to abstain from damaging the spine or spinal circles.


“Vague Lower Back Pain in Adults.” N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

“Low Back Pain (Lumbar Back Pain).” MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

“Low Back Pain (Lumbar Back Pain).” MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

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