The problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English


Describe the problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English, and also explain/justify any grammatical changes that made. I want to tell the reader why the changes are made

Sample Solution

The problems that are encountered in translating the poem from French to English

Translating poems and other literary works in general is difficult. There are a lot of factors to consider including the choices of words, figurative languages used and metaphors. At the same time, the translator must also be able to transfer the emotions and thoughts of the poet. When translating certain words from one language to another, there might be some issues with regards to the appropriate words to be used. In some cases there are words that have no literal translation to another language. The differences in the choice of words not only make it difficult for the poem to be translated, it could also destroy the other elements in a poem. A translator always risks inadvertently introducing source language words, grammar, or syntax into the target language rendering. On the other hand, such spill-overs have sometimes imported useful source language calques and loanwords that have enriched target languages.

Few months later on March 15, 1965, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan agreed to develop the RCD joint shipping lines. That meeting was organized in Istanbul which attended by the representatives of all of these three countries. An agreement was sanctioned; as per that accord Pakistan will provide 50%, Iran 35% and Turkey 15% shares for the said shipping lines which were decided to be made operational within a short span of a year. (Dawn 16 March 1965).

In 1965 both countries Pakistan and Turkey started a program for technical education. Under that program 122 fellowships and scholarships were awarded and 11 experts were exchanged others this six seminars were conducted and five publications were published between two countries. In March 1965 a joint airline project was formerly conceived by the Regional Planning Council and it was decided that not long afterwards the RCD committee on air transport began to establish regular air links and the first RCD flight of Pakistan International Airline (PIA) linking Karachi with Tehran and Istanbul started on November 1966 (Ali, 2001).

The RCD shipping services started working on international routes in May 1966 and it directly linked Pakistan and Turkey via sea route and made an everlasting impact on regional trade. On the other side Iran airlines tracked this up by starting a jet service to Europe via Istanbul (Ali, 2001).
On July 1967 an RCD joint venture for printing bank notes which was inaugurated in Karachi (Pakistan). That was the first industrial project in which all three RCD countries obligated collaborated. That new factory was subsidized by the Pakistan Security Printing Corporation. This agreement was based on the RCD union for multilateral payments arrangements which was signed in Ankara in April 1967. It was interesting to note that this was a key step toward the expansion of intra-regional trade .The RCD insurance center was established in Karachi to promote a study of measures which could facilitate cooperation in this field. That center published the RCD Insurance Manual in 1967. The three RCD insurance pools functioned effectively and several national companies joined the pools.

Z.A Bhutto’s vision about RCD

During 1967 at that time Foreign Minister of Pakistan Mr. Z.A Bhutto pursued to strengthen the cooperation between Pakistan, Iran and turkey through RCD. Bhutto wanted at least one trilater

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