A 42-year-old man comes to clinic with chief complaint of pain, redness, and swelling of his right calf. He states that he had been working in his yard using a string trimmer when the trimmer slipped and cut his leg. He cleaned the wound with water from the garden hose and covered the wound with a large Band-Aid. Several days later, he developed fever to 100.6˚ F and chills and noticed that his leg was swollen and red. He comes to the emergency department for definitive care.
Be sure that your paper is no one than 1-2 content pages. You are to also include both a title page and a reference page. No more than 1-2 content pages.
The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:
Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.
Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
HBV reactivation can be caused by immunosuppression, which can lead to fulminant hepatic failure and mortality. All patients undergoing substantial immunosuppression should be screened for past or current HBV infection, according to CHB guidelines. The likelihood of reactivation increases with increasing immunosuppression severity and HBsAg status (greater in HBsAg positive patients). Prophylactic antiviral medication is advised for all HBsAg positive individuals who are at risk of reactivation. The risk of reactivation should be utilized to inform judgments about the need for prophylactic medication in HBsAg negative, anti-HBc positive individuals. Prophylaxis should be given to patients who are at a moderate to high risk. Immunosuppression is a condition in which the immune system’s activation is reduced.
ntracellular transport is carried out by three sets of molecular motors: myosins, kinesins and dyneins. Myosins move on microfilaments and are thought to be responsible for short range transport, whereas kinesin and dynein proteins use microtubules as tracks for long distance transport and are capable of recognizing the microtubule polarity (36). A number of studies have shown that most kinesin-family motors move towards the plus-end of the microtubules that are usually used to deliver cargos towards the synapse. On the contrary, dynein moves in the opposite direction for transport toward the cell body (37). Kinesins and dyneins have “motor domains” that travel along the microtubules in a distinct direction by using the energy resultant from ATP hydrolysis.
Kinesins are microtubule based anterograde intracellular transport motors (Figure 1). Newly synthesized components at cell body indispensable for neuronal function and maintenance are transported anterogradely from the soma to nerve terminals. Ultrastructural studies have demonstrated many small vesicles, tubulo-vesicular structures, mitochondria and dense-core vesicles move along the axon by fast anterograde transport (38). Components transported in fast anterograde transport are required not only for the supply and turnover of intracellular membrane compartments such as mitochondria, but also for the transport of proteins required for the maintenance of axonal metabolism (3). Conventional kinesins usually form a protein dimer of two identical heavy chains and each of them binds to a kinesin light chain. The heavy chain contains a highly conserved globular head called motor domain, which includes a microtubule-binding site and an ATP-binding/hydrolysis site, a short, flexible neck linker, a stalk domain, which has a long, central coiled-coil region for dimerization and a tail domain for light chain and cargo binding (39). Kinesin move in a hand-over-hand mechanism over long distances along the microtubuleprior to detaching, allowing a very efficient cargo transport (40).
In opposition to anterograde axonal transport, which can be carried out by several different kinesin motor proteins, cytoplasmic dynein is the major motor protein responsible retrograde transport (Figure 1). Cytoplasmic dynein is a multi-subunit complex containing light chains, light intermediate chains and two heavy chains that bind microtubules. The heavy chains contain ATPase activity and are therefore responsible for generating movement along the axon microtubules, while the other chains are involved in cargo binding and binding to dynactin (41). The overall motility tendency is pointed toward microtubule minus end, but the ability of dynein to change directions may allow it to contour obstacles encountered along the axon during transport. Studies on dynein demonstrate that this motor protein wanders along the microtubule, and frequentl