The reliance of the U.S. on foreign oil


1. The reliance of the U.S. on foreign oil and the increase in oil prices has led many politicians to push for oil drilling in controversial regions such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and deep offshore locations. Discuss the difficulties and potential environmental impacts associated with drilling in both these areas. Do you think oil extraction from these areas is worthwhile or necessary? (see the Oil Spills section in Montgomery, pp. 334-339). Also look at internet resources on the 2010 Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and recent developments in the status of drilling in ANWR.

2. What is the environmental irony of wind power presented by Martin Pasqualetti in the article “Wind Power”? What do you think of wind power? Would you want it in your back-yard? How do you think people’s perception of what is aesthetically acceptable will have to change to accommodate alternative energy resources, such as wind power?

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The reliance of the U.S. on foreign oil

Deemed “the sacred place where life begins” by Alaska`s native Gwich`in people (Cultural Survival, 2005), the Arctic Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) possesses massive environmental and cultural importance. However, oil development plans threaten to overtake the pristine 1002 Area. As the Bush Administration encourages legislation supporting domestic energy expansion, the ANWR debate gained momentum in the early part of the century. When people discuss the environmental impacts the drilling project will contain, not only will it affect the wildlife negatively, not to mention it will affect the people that depend on these species for survival as well as their economic stability dramatically. The drilling in the ANWR will put an end to the existence of the Gwich`in as caribou hunters (Lynas, 2001, para.8). Expanded offshore drilling poses the risk of oil spills ruining our beaches from Florida to Maine and along Pacific Coast, bringing harm to those who live, work, and vacation along the coasts, as well as harming habitats critical to plants and animals.

he court has the power to allow certain details to be withheld from the public. They can prohibit the publication of a name or matter, which is connected to the case. When such an order is broken, this is a contempt of court.
This happened in the Thomson & Venables v Newsgroup Newspapers et al where two men had obtained an injunction to protect their lives and physical safety by prohibiting any publication of their features and new names. Despite the injunction, a newspaper published information online, which could lead to the identification of the two men. The judge held that ‘a defendant cannot be committed for contempt unless the injunction in respect of which he is said to be in contempt is clear in its terms and its breach is clear.’ Due to the fact the published information was new to the public and did not qualify as information which is ‘generally accessible to the public’ it was held that the court order was breached.

Publication of jury deliberations
According to section 8(1) CCA 1981 there is a contempt of court when one obtains, discloses or solicits any statements, opinions or arguments made by jury members during their deliberations. This article has recently been replaced by section 74 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, in which additional exceptions to the rule have been stated.

In 1994 a newspaper published jury deliberations. The journalist had obtained the information from a third party, which had direct contact with the jury. The Attorney General filed for a contempt of court under section 8(1) CCA 1981. The question at hand was whether ‘disclose’ meant solely the disclosure of information by a juror or whether it could also be disclosure through publication by a newspaper. Lord Lowry held that one must look at the ordinary meaning of ‘disclose’ and this was held to both describe the publication of jury deliberations by a juror and the disclosure by publication in a newspaper, as long as the publication disclosed more than already known facts. This meant that the newspaper

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