The research on the impact of temperament on development


Summarize the research on the impact of temperament on development. This should include how it might shape our interactions with parents, peers, and in the school environment.
Summarize the research concerning the impact of parents. This should include the formation of secure/insecure attachments during infancy and the impact this may have on later development.
Summarize the impact of parenting styles and ongoing monitoring during middle childhood and adolescence on development.
Summarize the research on the impact of peers, including early play, friendships, and the negative side of peer interactions (e.g., rejection and bullying) on development.
Consider the arguments of Harris in Gladwell’s blog post, “Do Parents Matter?”
Consider the relative influence of all these factors in the prompt as you state your educated opinion of whether or not parents “matter.”

Sample Solution

The research on the impact of temperament on development

Temperament refers to individual characteristics that are assumed to have a biological basis and that determine the individual`s affective, attentional and motor responses in various situations. For example, temperament can affect young children`s mood and emotions, how they approach and react to situations, sadness and discomfort, etc. A child with a short attention span and who is very impulsive is likely to experience difficulties in learning situations either at home or at pre-school groups (Tizard and Hughes, 1984). Temperamental variation influences the parent`s response to the child. The goodness of fit between a child`s temperament and parental style can have an impact on the child`s attachment and long-term social adjustment. Temperament can influence a child`s vulnerability to the adverse effects of life events.

the ACSM involve respiratory function tests and recordings to be carried out on COPD sufferers prior to initiation of PR programme such as the fraction of oxygen saturated haemoglobin in the arteries relative to the total haemoglobin by arterial blood gas tests and tracking dyspnea usuing the Borg CR10 Scale that measures physical activity intensity levels (Borg, 1982).

In some cases where patients have lost a lot of lung function due to severe COPD modified exercises are established to cater for individual patients with varying levels of lung function.

Aeroblic Exercise

Skeletal muscle dysfunction is influenced by skeletal muscle strength and endurance function and structure (fiber size, fiber type distribution, capillary density, and metabolic capacity) (Zeng et al., 2018). A prolonged lack of exercise promotes a decrease in physical activity in COPD sufferers. The activity of these muscles rely greatly on the physiologic structural elements of the particular muscle and the velocity at which a fiber contracts inversely regulates the fibers ability t resist fatigue.

Type I fibers are slow-twitch fibers and can endure long periods of exercise as they are highly resistant to fatigue. They are comprised of myosin heavy-chain (MyHC) type I. Type IIx fibers are fast-twitch fibers and are a subset or the fast twitch muscles which contain type IIa and type IIb. Type IIx fibers are the strongest and lowest endurance abibity as they fatigue much easier. Their composition differs from Type I fibers as they are composed of MyHC type IIx. It has been reported that a less than 27% of fiber type I proportionality is regarded as unusually low. Additionally, an amount of fiber type IIX that is greater than 29% is regarded as unusually large (Barreiro and Gea, 2016). In cases where the subject suffers from COPD, the amount of type I fibers are significantly lower than that of a healthy individual. Also a greater amount of type IIb fibers are present, thus demonstrating why COPD sufferers possess greater muscular fatigability and a lack of endurability (Whittom et al., 1998).

Muscle dysfunction and wastage are major systemic manifestations in C

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