With the rise in popularity for smart home devices, like Alexa and Google Home, do you consider them to be an invasion of privacy or a potential tool for crime prevention or evidence gathering?
The rise in popularity for smart home devices
Smart home devices allows homeowners to control appliances, thermostats, lights, and other devices remotely. Smart home devices like Alexa are an invasion of privacy and not a potential tool for crime prevention. You would be forgiven for thinking that your private conversations were just that. But two leading voice assistants are listening to everything you say. Patent applications from Amazon and Google revealed how their Alexa and Voice Assistant powered smart speakers are “spying” on you. The devices are surveillance equipment for massive information collection and intrusive digital advertising. Digital assistants can be `awake` even when users think they are not listening. The devices are envisioned as part of a surveillance web in the home to chart a families` patterns so that they can be more easily marketed based on their interests.
style encourages individuals not only to reach performance standards but to exceed the expectations of a leader. Three fundamental traits enabling a leader to achieve that are listed as charisma being an ability to embed a ‘sense of value, respect and pride’ and to share the common vision, paying attention to an individuals’ needs and allowing them to grow both on personal and professional levels as well as encouraging individuals to be innovative and come up with fresh ideas. The main aim of transformational leadership is to provide followers with internal rather than materialistic rewards so that they interested in working towards a long term, more substantial goal. Rosenbach (2018) continues to agree with Bertocci by stating that transformational leaders aim to achieve future goals and develop long reaching plans. They motivate individuals by ensuring their development is not overlooked and ensure their interest lies within the success of the organisation they are involved in. Those leaders are not afraid to give new projects and challenges out, but they are very wary of personal limitations of individuals they work with therefore try to ensure the risk is minimal by ensuring enough support is given during the process. Leaders must be confident in speaking to people, communicative and open to them in order to be seen as transformational leaders (Phaneuf et all, 2016). Similarly to transactional model of leadership, transformational can be found in workplace managers however as Rosenbach emphasises, those are very strong managers with a full range of managerial skills.
According to David Day (2014), as spectacular as transformational leadership looks it has its limitations and criticists. It believed that this particular type of leadership only slightly take interest in the role of individuals within the process. It was also added that too much attention is paid to the way the leader affects its followers rather than on the goals and organisational performance. Yukl (2006) specifies further by stating that there is not enough clarification given as to the background information on what influences transformational leadership processes as well as the ways the leaders manage to create such well performing groups. It is also suggested that further rese