The Road to Revolution and Founding the New Nation

There are three questions. Write them separately. About 200 words per each.

1. For your in-lesson participation activity, you are to take a trip to the virtual Museum of the American Revolution. This museum holds artifacts from the period you’ve just read about in your lesson, as well as later in the timeline, as the Patriot’s cause turned into a Revolution for independence from England.

1)Go through the gallery entitled “Becoming Revolutionaries”

2)Pick one exhibit (not the entire gallery) summarize its main contents and discuss what you found most fascinating. Be as specific as possible.

3)Pick one primary source from the exhibit and discuss how you would teach this document/artifact to someone who’s never encountered this material before.

2.š Think through each act passed by the British Parliament, and the outburst it created leading up to the War. How would each piece of legislation have affected people in the colonies differently? For example: who suffered more on a daily basis under the Townshend duties versus the Quartering Act- poor, wealthy, men, women, coastal or rural people, etc? Include: The Stamp Act Congress Condemns the Stamp Act (1765) and Thomas Preston Description of the Boston Massacre (1770) in your analysis.

3. šUsing Kathleen DuVal’s introduction to her book, the Continental Congress’s Speech to the Six Nations, and Sir William Johnson’s “Watches the Settlers Invade Indian Lands , how does focusing on Indigenous perspectives between the Seven Year War (1756) and the American Revolution (1776) inform and shape our understandings about attitudes, events, and meanings of the movement towards American Independence?

Sample Solution

Blogging has been a way of empowering women and allowing them to use their interests, hobbies and skills to create a career for them and be independent. “Popular discourses about the role these platforms play in economically empowering women can be ascribed to assumptions about the merits of highly individualized, flexible employment conditions, especially for female workers aspiring to combine professional and domestic responsibilities. Although findings about the persistence of gender inequalities in digital media industries have productively challenged to be valorized through such hybrid neologisms as mom-preneur, etsy-preneur and blogger-preneur. “(Gill, 2008.) These jobs give all women huge opportunities to show who they are and what lifestyles they lead. This could be from a single mother to a student, which shows that blogging can appeal to all ages and bring new openings to all women. Therefore, by Pretty Little Thing using these women to promote their brand they are encouraging and empowering these women to carry on doing what they do and showing society that women can be independent and powerful, especially through fashion.

Overall, social media has allowed brands like Pretty Little Thing to develop and make the brand exactly what they wanted it to be. Social media has also given high-street brands a opportunity to open up the fashion industry to a different kind of person. This person is a realistic perception of your everyday girl no matter what your views, sexuality or body type. Furthermore, bloggers and social media influencers have shown a whole new side to the brand as they allow the brand to capture the wants and needs of their target audience directly through what sells and what is seen as popular from these bloggers’ promotions and advertisements.

CHAPTER 4: Conclusion.

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