The role of omens, superstitions,


CHOSEN ONE of the paper prompts for a paper on Oedipus Rex:

What is the role of omens, superstitions, and prophecies in Oedipus Rex?

What is the role of the chorus in Greek theater and how is it used in Oedipus Rex?

Research the role of masks in Greek theater and view the clip from Sir Tyrone Guthrie’s Oedipus Rex Film. How might the use of masks enhance or detract from the production of the play?

How does hubris (excessive) pride affect Oedipus and lead to the tragic climax of the play?

Analyze one character from Oedipus Rex. Consider age, family, social position, personality traits, beliefs, and motivation. Make a specific assertion about this character.

What does Oedipus Rex suggest about knowledge and understanding?

How does Sophocles develop the idea of fate and free will in his play?
Discuss the motif of blindness in the tragedy. How does sight affect the truth?

Sample Solution

Omens, superstition, and prophecies play a role in Oedipus Rex. Prophecy is a central part of Oedipus the King. The play begins with Creon`s return from the oracle at Delphi, where he has learned that the plague will be lifted if Thebes banishes the man who killed Laius. Tiresias prophesies the capture of one who is both father and brother to his own children. Oedipus tells Jocasta of a prophecy he heard as a youth, that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother, and Jocasta tells Oedipus of a similar prophecy given to Laius, that  her son would grow up to kill his father.

he amazing open doors that added to de Gaulle’s prosperity are the point at which he wound up in the situation as the authority of the Free French Forces, which he had not arranged. He ousts to the UK as opposed to give up and haggled with Germany, a huge appearance of the man’s positive energy and obligation to his country. This piece of his life seemingly set the situation for de Gaulle to turn into the President of France. The finish of the conflict, and specifically its prosperity, depicted de Gaulle as a legend. Nonetheless, there are a few unanswered inquiries, consider the possibility that the Normandy arrivals had fizzled, would De Gaulle have been so effective. The contention that de Gaulle saw an open door, coincidental or not, and promoted. For instance, by definition, magnetic pioneers are supposed to arise in the midst of emergency De Gaulle benefited from each open door, demonstrating that he not entirely settled to get France once again to being Grand. The Algerian War was one more open door that De Gaulle was not searching for, in any case, introduced its self and set the climate magnetic pioneer to succeed.

Distinguishing de Gaulle’s assets and open doors quickly cause to notice the attributes he handled and how they could have added to his authority style. In the mid twentieth 100 years, administration characteristics were contemplated to figure out what made specific individuals extraordinary pioneers . The hypothesis that got from this exploration was known as the “Incomparable Man Theory”.

Attribute Approach
Insightful examinations have shown that there is a wide range of hypothetical ways to deal with initiative. In some of their examination papers the characteristic methodology proceeds to show up and accordingly it would pass on you to accept that there should be validity in this hypothesis. All along of any writing on de Gaulle, he and his initiative style are portrayed through his trademark. The solid referring to of de Gaulle’s qualities prompts recognizable characteristics and draw assessment of de Gaulle from this perspective.

The attribute hypothesis was quite possibly the earliest efficient endeavor to concentrate on initiative . It zeroed in on recognizing the natural characteristics and qualities presented by extraordinary social, political, and military pioneers . It was accepted that individuals were brought into the world with these attributes and as it were “incredible individuals had them .

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