Part 1: Presenting a Crisis Action Plan
Read the document, “Performance Task Scenario: Tuberculosis Outbreak,” and the supporting documents including:
• Communicable and Other Infectious Diseases Reportable in Massachusetts by Healthcare Providers
• Tuberculosis Outbreak Line List
• Demographic Characteristics of Worcester, MA
• Tuberculosis Epidemic Curve
You are a healthcare administrator at Worcester General Hospital (WGH). Create an 18–21 slide presentation, with presenter notes. The presentation will be shown to the board of directors of WGH. It should describe your proposed plan, step-by-step, for containing this potential tuberculosis (TB) outbreak in partnership with federal, state, and local entities, including the local health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Your slide presentation should:
• First, describe the healthcare system in El Salvador, where the patient originated before arrival in Massachusetts.
o Include information about health insurance coverage and payers of each country
o Data on the rate of insured; the healthcare delivery mechanism (public and private services, public and private funding sources, and requirements for individuals to pay for insurance) physician density
o Methods for healthcare provision in remote and underserved areas
o Vaccination requirements; and similar indicators used to measure health-system operations
o Explain how this system compares to the U.S. healthcare system
• Explain the connection between global health issues and local healthcare management, and which Millennium Development Goals and Healthy People 2030 Goals apply to this scenario.
• Explain how infectious diseases are identified and tracked, including an explanation of how the hospital and local health department (LHD) worked together to create the line list, and which locations in the community merit further investigation.
• Explain at least eight action steps to manage this potential health threat. Describe the collaborative approach between the Massachusetts state and local health department and the hospital to investigate and contain the outbreak.
• Describe at least three responsibilities of the Massachusetts state and local health department in this specific outbreak scenario.
• Explain the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in responding to an outbreak like the one in the scenario.
• Explain the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in responding to an outbreak like the one in the scenario. Include a description of at least three specific programs or initiatives that illustrate the role of the WHO in public health.
When cases of an infectious disease are diagnosed in a specific area, an Outbreak Response is triggered to stop the spread of an infectious disease swiftly, keeping as few people as possible from being infected. Rapid detection and verification of health emergencies is essential to save lives. WHO`s global surveillance system picks up public health threats 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Once an event is verified, WHO assesses the level of risk and sounds the alarm to help protect populations from the consequences of outbreaks, disasters, conflict and other hazards. WHO also develops new technologies to be able to detect and track new health events in the most difficult settings, such as the Early Warning, Alert and Response System (EWARS).
It is not difficult to guarantee, looking from an external perspective in, that bullfighting is obsolete and, despite the fact that it would be acknowledged as a game exactly barely any quite a while back, in the 21st century it is excessively rough and realistic to be delighted in. To many, in and beyond Spain (1), bullfighting and other blood sports appear to be grisly and exceptionally disagreeable in any event. Be that as it may, the inquiry for what reason should be posed. In the event that Spanish blood sports are truth be told chronologically misguided, why would that be the situation? What reasons or proof might one at any point give to back up that case?
As far as bullfighting, the most striking and clear explanation is that what befalls the bull is obtuse. Considering basic entitlements, one should think about that the bull – a living, conscious being – is partaking in the game despite its desire to the contrary. In the event that this were an individual being compelled to take part in a game despite its desire to the contrary and with next to no say in the procedures, there would be common liberties suggestions in a nation like Spain. This would imply that the individual wouldn’t need to take part on the off chance that they didn’t wish to. Obviously, a bull can’t say on the off chance that it wishes to take part in an occasion, paying little heed to what the occasion is. In any case, on the off chance that we think about the qualities of bullfighting, obviously the occasion doesn’t have the bull’s interests as fundamentally important (regardless of numerous bullfighting fans and members contending they really do really focus extraordinarily on the bull, as referenced in section one).
In spite of contentions that the toro bravo is treated with extraordinary consideration (see section one), for basic entitlements activists and, surprisingly, the people who don’t devote their chance to guarding creatures, caring alone isn’t sufficient when we think about the bull’s destiny. At last the bull will kick the bucket a horrendous and delayed demise, in a boisterous bullring with individuals cheering, booing, applauding and a bullfighter penetrating cutting edges into its back. For the majority, the occasions of the bullfight offset the consideration the bull might get in advance. An inquiry that one could present is, might a human want to imagine the bull’s perspective? On the off chance that the consideration it gets can be utilized as a legitimization and safeguard of empathetic treatment, why should an individual be reluctant to go thro