The sentimentalist approach to ethics proffered by Hume, Smith




1) What distinguishes right from wrong, reason or the passions? Compare the moral philosophies of Kant and Hume in answering this question. Is reason capable of identifying the good alone, or is the good inextricably linked to pleasure? Who has the superior psychology? Who has the superior ethics? Why?

2) The sentimentalist approach to ethics proffered by Hume, Smith, and Rousseau presents a challenge to rational ethics. Despite (or perhaps because of) this, the approach has been influential to many contemporary philosophers. What are the advantages of this approach over those of rationalist theories, such as virtue ethics, contractarianism, or Kantian ethics? What are the faults? Argue either in favor of rationalist ethics or Hume’s anti-rationalistic ethics.

3) Kantian ethics stipulates that the possession of both rationality and autonomy justify the possession of moral rights. Contractarians ground rights in the agreement made between rational agents. Do any things which are not rational have moral rights and do we have any duties towards them? How can these nonconsequentialist theories accommodate for these cases (if they can at all)? Use Kant’s framework to demonstrate our moral duties to non-persons.

4) Kant gives us the Categorical Imperative as the fundamental moral principle. How does this principle compare with Aristotle’s conception of virtue? Which is more important for morality, character or duty? Discuss and critically evaluate both in an argument for the superiority of either Aristotle’s or Kant’s theory. Examine both the principles themselves and the morals which are developed from them. Give examples to demonstrate your understanding of how each can be applied to moral dilemmas.

Sample Solution

Our emotions and impulses, according to moral sentimentalists, play a major role in the anatomy of morality. Some people feel that moral concepts are inherently sentimental, while others believe that moral truths are linked to our sentimental responses, and yet others believe that emotions are the primary source of moral knowledge. All of these things are believed by some. On the one hand, sentimentalism appeals to those who want to make sense of the practical aspects of morality, and on the other, it appeals to those who want to find a place for morality within a naturalistic worldview. The corresponding difficulties are accounting for morality’s apparent objectivity and normativity. Recent psychology theories highlighting the importance of emotion in moral decision-making have reignited interest in sentimentalist ethics.

that Lush has almost consummated the physical experience for its customer base.

The mission of Lush is to deliver hand tailored items that are made of normal fixings and no additives. Moreover, Lush is a solid promoter against creature testing. At times, the association has wouldn’t buy supplies from providers who have a history of creature testing or exploitative obtaining (Kwan, 2018). Moreover, Lush is focused on creating devastated networks all through the world through cautious asset acquirement and numerous other magnanimous endeavors. Rich subsidizes a considerable lot of their magnanimous activities through their “Good cause Pot” items. At the point when “Noble cause Pot’ items are bought, Lush gives 100 percent of benefits to admirable missions (Lush, 2018).

Another significant natural reason Lush has as of late picked up speed through is their refusal to utilize palm oil in their items. The development of palm oil is viewed as one of the most impeding variables regarding deforestation and fossil fuel byproducts all through South America. Lavish has chosen to be proactive in observing reasonable options bringing about a lot of media consideration as of late (Ritschel, 2018). Since Lush has turned into an industry chief as far as natural agreeableness they frequently are the decision of recent college grads and age Z.

The Vision of Lush is troublesome, yet a noble motivation customers appear to help energetically. The association looks to end all creature testing, lessen their carbon impression, and embrace morals. In a new meeting, the Ethics Director of Lush, Hilary Jones, noticed that the association has a dream of what their ideal organization would be. In any case, they may never make it (Lush, 2018). Eventually, she was inferring that the association is flawed, and won’t ever be. Notwithstanding, they are continually attempting to make the best decision. Subsequently, the vision of Lush is to be an ecological and socio-moral pioneer. With the millennial age, the help for Lush’s dreams are boundless. Additionally, how much help expansions in metropolitan regions (Pomarici and Vecchio, 2014).

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