The simple GARCH

(a) Estimate the simple GARCH(1,1) model on S&P 500 daily log returns using the maximum likelihood estimation technique. First estimate σ 2 t = ω + αR2 t + βσ2 t−1 , with Rt = σt−1zt , and zt ∼ NID(0, 1). (In the estimation process, set σ 2 0 = V ar(Rt) and use the sample variance as estimate of this initial value. Use α = 0.1, β = 0.85 and ω = 0.000005 as starting values for the optimization process.) (b)

Include a leverage effect in the variance equation. Estimate: σ 2 t = ω + α(Rt − θσt−1) 2 + βσ2 t−1 , with Rt = σt−1zt , and zt ∼ NID(0, 1). (Use starting point: α = 0.1, β = 0.85, ω = 0.000005, and θ = 0.5.) What is the sign of the leverage parameter? Explain how is captured in this model by deriving Covt(σ 2 t+1, Rt+1).

(c) Include the option implied volatility VIX series from the Chicago Board Options Exchange as an explanatory variable in the GARCH equation. Use MLE to estimate : σ 2 t = ω + α(Rt − θσt−1) 2 + βσ2 t−1 + γVIX2 t /252, with Rt = σt−1zt , and zt ∼ NID(0, 1). (Set starting values to α = 0.04, β = 0.5, ω = 0.000005, θ = 2, and γ = 0.07

(d) Use the Mincer-Zarnowitz regression to assess each of the three volatility models. These consists in testing H0; β0 = 0, β1 = 1 in the regression: R 2 t = β0 + β1σˆ 2 t−1 + ut . (Use the heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust estimator of the asymptotic variance in the testing procedure.) Which model is the best? Explain.

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irectly or in a roundabout way profit by having exceptionally low power costs. Be that as it may, at that point all things being equal, we would spend more cash on attempting to recuperate from the harms we have caused on our condition than burning through cash on in general power charges or progressing into utilizing new inexhaustible assets.

So for what reason do we despite everything wind up utilizing coal as one of the primary hotspots for creating power in any event, when we know the negative impacts it has on our condition? Two reasons that rings a bell are a direct result of how coal is the most plentiful non-renewable energy source on Earth, and it is moderately modest. Additionally, coal gives a steady wellspring of vitality, in contrast to oil. There isn’t a great deal of financial or political issues in regards to coal. Coal has a lot of an effect on individuals’ day by day lives. In the event that we don’t have power, we basically can’t do anything. In this way, there will be various issues if a nation can’t give enough power, and that might cause an enormous effect on the worldwide economy and that is rarely perfect.

I accept that for our general public to keep proceeding to work the manner in which we expect and need it to, we should begin investing more energy and assets into changing towards finding diverse power sources that can contend with coal as far as expenses. We should invest more energy into explores, and we as a whole need to meet up additional so as to discover increasingly sustainable assets that the general public can bear. Yet, that doesn’t mean we can just out of nowhere cut off coal created power totally. We should have a consistent and progressive change away from it, by expanding power generation with wind power and sun powered vitality. We should likewise remember that the pace of condition debasement is expanding a lot quicker than we can successfully balance it, accordingly each and every day, we are putting more life on Earth in danger. We should meet up and quit being uninformed about our activities towards our condition and discover an answer.

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