Enron was an energy-trading and utilities company founded in the mid 1980s and fell into bankruptcy in 2001.
Senior executives at Enron engaged in a scheme to defraud in violation of federal securities laws. The
violations involved massive fraudulent accounting where it characterized as prepay forward contracts in order
to disguise borrowings as cash from operations and investors, inflating false profits to about $1 billion. Losses
totaled more than $74 billion. Part of the scheme included senior executives encouraging lower level
employees to invest knowing it was shortly filling for bankruptcy. Many, if not all, lower level employees loss
their retirement savings.
While watching this documentary identify warning signs or red flags. Were there any? Could this have been
You can find Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room documentary through the college library’s Kanopy
account (https://madisoncollege.kanopy.com/video/enron-smartest-guys-room-5).
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what a supernova may look likeHumanity has been astonished by stars for a considerable length of time. In the time of antiquated fantasies and legends, in the occasions when mariners utilized heavenly bodies to explore in seas, and as of not long ago, stars have stayed probably the greatest secret individuals have ever experienced. These days, researchers can make sense of not just the separation between a specific star and Earth, yet in addition the star’s piece, mass, age, and numerous different parameters. Innovative advancement permits us to comprehend the universe a lot further than it was workable for researchers before. One of the marvel that cutting edge science figured out how to clarify is the blast of stars, or supernovae.
In 1604, Johannes Kepler found the last watched supernova in the Milky Way. Being a splendid researcher, it is still impossible he could understand or clarify the wonders he watched and portrayed. A later supernovae blast that happened in our cosmic system occurred around one hundred years back; it was found by the NASA Chandra telescope (NASA). Long periods of perceptions demonstrate that supernovae happen in the Milky Way, yet around the entire detectable Universe. Such blasts are not interesting or uncommon—all things considered, they happen once in 50 years; be that as it may, every one of these blasts give researchers important information, empowering them to comprehend the Universe better (Space.com).
In any case, only one out of every odd star turns into a supernovae. For a considerable lot of them, it is run of the mill to chill off and transform into white smaller people. In any case, now and again, stars “reject” to just blur away. Some of them aggregate issue from neighboring stars until a runaway atomic response touches off (type one supernova); others come up short on their fuel—the nuclear response inside such stars eases back down, and the star falls under its own gravity (type two supernova). In the subsequent case, because of a blast, a neutron star may later shape; in any case, researchers accept that if there should arise an occurrence of the falling star being sufficiently gigantic (around 30 masses of our sun), it might transform into a dark opening rather (Space.com).
At the point when a star detonates, it discharges matter into encompassing space at the speed of around 25,000 miles for each second. Among these outflows is iron—one of the key components of which our planet and we ourselves comprise of. Besides, supernovas (and them just) are a wellspring of all known substantial components in the Universe; this reality makes it conceivable to state that we all comprise of old star matter (National Geographic). In addition, these very components make a trip over the Universe to shape new stars, planets, and different articles. Due to supernovae, researchers have found that our Universe is continually growing, and as far as anyone knows it isn’t the last astonishment that contemplating these immense inestimable blasts can bring to us.
A supernova is a star blast. At the point when a star gets old, it either crumples under its own mass, or collects matter from close by stars, and in the two variations, a blast happens. During the blast, they discard a tremendous measure of issue into the encompassing space; this is the matter of which all articles—including people—in the Universe comprise of.
“Supernovae.” National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.
Thompson, Andrea. “What is a Supernova?” Space.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.
“What is a Supern