The theory of McDonalidization



What is the theory of McDonalidization? Explain the positive and negative influences of McDonalidization on society.




Sample Solution

The Theory of MacDonaldization

According to Ritzer, MacDonalidization of society is a phenomenon that occurs when, society, its institutions, and its organizations are adapted to have the same Characteristics that are found in fast-food chains. These include efficiency, predictability and standardization, and control. It relies on nonhuman technology to achieve its goals of predictability and efficiency [Bolman & Deal, 2008] and they do not focus on the human aspect of organizations [Leavitt, 2007]. While MacDonalidization has resulted in improved profits and an increased availability of various goods and services to more people worldwide, it has also reduced the variety of goods available in the marketplace while rendering available product uniform, generic, and bland.

CHAPTER 3: Pretty Little Thing.

Pretty little thing is an online clothing website that is known for its affordable and fashionable clothing. The site is known for its fast fashion and trend capturing clothes, they are always seen to be the first to recreate a celebrity look but for a suitable price for its audience. The brand is also recognised as one which works closely with fashion bloggers and social media influencers. This is where the brand is different to Burberry as although they do have celebrity appearances they focus more on the realistic and more relatable bloggers and influencers. Over the past couple of years, I would say that brands and fashion houses have realized the impact and importance of social media when advertising their brand and products. Therefore, brands utilise the connections they have with reality stars, bloggers and social influencers and use it to their advantage by using them to promote the products and almost make them the fact of their brand. “The importance of fashion branding on social media is becoming even more pronounced as networks like Instagram are revolutionising this field.” (Carter-Marley, 2015.) In terms of the market this strategy this will increase sales to the brands target audience, social media helps this happen because they can approach the right people. An example of this happening recently is after the ITV program ‘Love Island’ where everyone who was on the program came out with a huge following and were not long after, seen to be promoting all sorts of brands all over their Instagram. The importance of building relationships with a target audience is so that they can remain loyal and will always be interested in the latest products that are available. Using the participants from a program like love island to promote products is a clever idea because they know that the fame will be quick and the attention will come all at once for a short period of time, meaning a lot of people will see the brand quickly.

Pretty Little Thing as they are constantly using influencers and bloggers to promote and wear their clothes, as they know that their audience is young and fashion forward. This also means that they are constantly bringing out clothes that are very much on trend and ‘the in thing’ to wear. Anoth

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