The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC)


“The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC) were aimed at creating a valid “substantive law” alternative in cross-border commerce to the traditional State-law centred conflict-of-laws approach, which simply identifies a national law of a particular country to govern international contracts and disputes. However, their relevance in this respect is still very limited. On the other hand, the PICC seem to have played a more substantial role as a “global background law”, especially when they are used to interpret or supplement the domestic law or international uniform law instruments, such as the Vienna International Sales Convention or CISG.”

Critically discuss to what extent you agree with the statement above, ensuring that you draw on a wide range of primary and secondary legal materials to support your claims.



Sample Solution

The UNIDROIT Principles provide a balanced set of rules covering virtually all the most important topics of general contract law, such as formation, interpretation, validity including illegality, performance, non-performance and remedies, assignment, set-off, plurality of obligors and of obliges, as well as the authority of agents and limitation periods. Moreover, and even more important, the UNIDROIT Principles, prepared by a group of experts representing all the major legal systems of the world and available in virtually all the major international languages, are designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.

business that give it an upper hand

Shortcomings: qualities of the business that place the business or undertaking in a difficult spot comparative with others

Open doors: outer/natural factors that the business could take advantage of for its potential benefit for example client patterns, innovative advances

Dangers: outer variables that could harm an associations efficiency, benefit or development



The examination depends on the thoughts of the people who are engaged with the cycle and in that capacity, whether the investigation is compelling relies altogether on the instinct, imagination, dynamism, and data assembled by these members. Disappointment subsequently to recognize specific qualities, shortcomings, open doors, and dangers, could truly hamper the general progress of the association.


The examination empowers an association to create arrangements of worries with respect to the association. An issue is anyway famous where a few associations end their arranging cycle at the level of the rundown created, without moving past to examine how the distinguished issues can be settled, or exercises which could be carried out to empower them accomplish their targets (Steven Symes, n.d.).


2.5.2 PEST Analysis


Bother examinations how the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological variables of the full scale climate influence an association. Normally these variables are outside of the association’s reach and may either set out new open doors for the association to take advantage of, or dangers to be tended to (NetMBA, n.d.). From a more extensive perspective, it likewise considers the Environmental, and Legal parts of the full scale climate, to think of the more complete PESTEL.


Political: this connects with government strategies and changes in regulation that influence the econ



A significant restriction of proportion investigation is its verifiable nature. Proportion investigation depends absolutely on passed information and as such can’t satisfactorily address the organization’s future presentation.


A few proportions are a depiction at a specific moment (as at the monetary record date) of an organization’s exhibition, and as such any surprising

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