The USS Florida

1. Analyze Alfonso’s impact on the crew in terms of love versus fear. What might account for the fact that he behaved so strongly as captain of the USS Florida?

2. Which do you think a leader should be more concerned about aboard a nuclear submarine—high certification grades or high-quality interpersonal relationships? Do you agree with Admiral Sullivan’s decision to fire Alfonso? Discuss.

3. Discuss Commander Alfonso’s level of emotional intelligence in terms of the four components listed in the chapter. What advice would you give him?

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ncreased from 390±9.4634 to 714±2.0548 and from 434±3.0912 to 863±0.9428 nm separately. A similar impact of polymer fixation on molecule size was the equivalent either on account of expanding Tween 80 focus and/or expanding the stage proportion as appeared in the tables (4, 6 and 8) and figures (3, 5 and 7).

At the point when polymer fixation on account of Eudragit S100 and HPMC Phthalate HP55 was expanded from 0.2 gm% to 0.8 gm% with Poloxamer 407 centralization of 0.5% w/v and stage proportion of (1:2), molecule size was expanded from 404±8.6538 to 747±1.6997 and from 598±1.633 to 905±4.0277 nm individually. A similar impact of polymer fixation on molecule size was the equivalent either on account of expanding Poloxamer 407 focus and/or expanding the stage proportion as appeared in the tables (5, 7 and 9) and figures (4, 6 and 8).

These outcomes were found to concur with the consequences of both Galindo-Rodriguez et al., 2004 [149] who arranged nanoparticles of Eudragit L100-55 utilizing nanoprecipitation technique to decide impact of polymer focus on nanoparticle size utilizing diverse natural solvents and he found that in all cases, expanding polymer fixation in natural stage brought about expanding mean size [149],and D. Quintanar-Guerrero et al., 1999 [215] who utilized emulsion-dissemination technique to get ready Eudragit E nanoparticles utilizing Eudragit E/ethyl acetic acid derivation/PVAL framework and cellulose acetic acid derivation phthalate (CAP) nanoparticles utilizing cellulose acetic acid derivation phthalate/2-butanone/Poloxamer 407 framework and in two frameworks it was discovered that there is a switch among small scale and nanoparticles relying upon polymer fixation in inward natural stage where, as polymer focus expanded, size of created particles altogether expanded [215]. Then again, these outcomes are contradicting those revealed in Ahmed, I.S., et al.,2014 [216] who arranged poly-Ɛ-caprolactone nanoparticles by dissolvable relocation technique and explored the impact of polymer focus on molecule size. It was discovered that expanding polymer focus from (0.5 to 0.8% w/v) at surfactant fixation (0.5% w/v) brought about expanding molecule size while, at a similar surfactant focus and expanding polymer fixation to (1% w/v) molecule size diminished. Additionally, expanding polymer fixation from (0.5 to 0.8% w/v) at surfactant focus (1% w/v) brought about diminishing molecule size while, at a similar surfactant focus and polymer fixation was expanded to (1% w/v) molecule size expanded. These outcomes were credited to that at low polymer fixation and high surfactant focus, the dissolvability of polymer in CH3)2CO/water blend may have expanded because of the solubilizing impact of the surfactant prompting more slow pace of

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